Chapter 1: Home Alone House

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I couldn't believe the iconic house was really standing before me. I had to pay quite a bit of money, but now I would be staying in the Home Alone movie's house for two weeks for Christmas. I was so glad that I had set aside money from my job each month to have this opportunity. The streets near Chicago were currently bare as my thick heeled, black boots clacked along the sidewalk. I had my two maroon suitcases in hand as I finally stepped up to the front door. It felt like such a big, life changing moment to be experiencing something this special and rare. When I unlocked the place with a key they gave me, I was puzzled how I had actually made the door unable to budge. It was as though it hadn't been locked up in the first place. I felt a little nervous when I finally stepped inside, staring in confusion at the dark blue suitcases already in the foyer.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm settled in, and my flight was fine. The place is great. It really is the authentic house from the movie. I'm sorry I'm not spending Christmas back home, but I just needed a break from everything. This is the perfect time for me to take a lot of time off. My new projects don't start until the new year. Yeah, I love you too. Bye. Merry Christmas, Mom."

I hadn't moved an inch as my mouth gaped open at the blonde who's back was towards me. I tucked my brown hair behind my ear with subtle, faint blonde highlights, hating how my gloves made the strands retain static. My hazel eyes couldn't believe what they were witnessing as the guy turned around, confirming my suspicions.

He instantly froze up, staring right back at me before knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I rented the place for two weeks. What are you doing here," I cautiously asked, my cheeks tinted red already.

"I rented the place for two weeks. What the fuck is going on?" I could tell he was growing frustrated as I bit my cherry red lip in thought.

"I have no idea. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, same to you," he stated, pacing before taking out his mobile phone again. "They must have made some kind of mistake. Yeah, I want to talk to the renter of the Home Alone house," he demanded on the end, licking his lips before biting them. It felt like ages as he attempted to sort things out, me glancing past into the next room before I heard him speak up to me again.

"They said they accidentally booked us for the same two weeks. Here, I'll cover the cost of what you paid, and you can leave." He was already reaching into his wallet, me unable to believe his attitude.

"Wait, I'm not leaving, not even if you reimburse me. I've been waiting for this trip for months, and I never get to stay at places like this. I've worked hard to be here," I explained.

"Well, I've worked hard too, and I need a break without anyone around. I can't deal with paparazzi or fans right now."

"I won't bother you. I mean, yes, I am a fan, but I'll leave you alone if that's what you want."

"I don't want you here at all. Here's the amount this cost."

I refused the cash he was holding out though, hugging myself as I stepped into the living room already fully decorated. There were even stockings hung above the fireplace and a lit up tree. "I don't want to leave. I don't get why you hate me being around so much. I can promise you I'm not loud or annoying."

"You're already annoying, because you won't fucking leave." I think I was trying his patience, but I never expected Leo to be such a rude person.

"I'm not leaving, so if you want to be alone, then I guess you'll have to stay somewhere else. I'm sorry. This just means too much to me to give up. Believe me, I want you to be happy, but not at the expense of mine."

"You don't even know me, but I guess if neither of us is leaving then we'll just have to work something out."

"That's what I said in the first place. I think it will be kind of nice not being completely alone for the holidays."

"Yeah, well, we have two different ideas of what we want this year. Look, just make sure you take a bedroom far away from mine, and try not to be in the same room as me," he remarked.

"But that will be kind of hard. The t.v.'s only downstairs."

"If it's anything like the movie, then there will be one upstairs in the master bedroom, alright? You can take that one. I don't care what room I have as long as I'm alone," he claimed.

"Okay," I barely nodded, shuffling over to my luggage. "I guess I'll take these upstairs then." I looked back at him when I struggled to carry them up the steps. They were a bit heavy and I got nervous on stairs, so I normally held onto the railing, but it was difficult.

"Fine, I'll help you with this," he sighed, taking my things before going up with ease.

"Thank you," I told him after he dropped them off in my chambers. "Do you want to order a pizza for dinner? It would make it feel more authentic, since they ordered that in the movie."

"Alright," he sighed, leaving me as I took in the familiar space. I made sure my black skirt and tights looked alright before readjusting my dark green turtleneck sweater. It was ironic that Leo wasn't impressed with me, considering I was wearing his favorite color. I frowned at myself in the mirror before going back to the first floor. Leo was already on the phone for supper, ordering a veggie and also plain cheese pizza. Even though he hadn't consulted me about it, cheese was my favorite type.

"Okay, I'm going to eat in the living room. You can eat in the kitchen or up in your room," he said, my heart sinking at how things were going. I thought he might let up right away, but he was determined to distance himself.

"Can we talk for a little bit before the food gets here," I wondered.

"What would we even talk about?"

"How's life? How's your career going?" It was the best I could come up with as I laced my fingers together.

"Things are okay. They're hectic, but it's been that way ever since Titanic. I've never really gotten used to it, but I'm getting better at managing it. How's life with you?" He seemed reluctant to continue the conversation.

"It's good. I've had a decent job for a couple of years now, which is how I could afford here."

"What do you do for a living?" He was studying the top of the counter as though he still didn't want to look at me.

"I'm a software developer. I think I got the natural talent from my dad. He's always been good with math and computers," I softly smiled.

Leo nodded slightly before the doorbell rang, him breezing past to get our order. He literally put my cardboard box in my hands and then left for the living room.

"Do you want a drink or anything," I called.

"I can get it in a minute," he yelled back, me going over to the dining table to consume my meal. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat the whole thing, just starting with two slices. They were steaming hot as I grabbed a complimentary bottle of Coke from the refrigerator. I almost bumped into Leo when I stood up straight, blushing deeply as he reached for the pitcher of water. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm coming off as mean. You just weren't part of my plan for staying here."

"No, I get it, but thank you. You did hurt my feelings a little." I was trying to be as polite as possible even though it felt like he had trampled on my heart.

"Hey, you want me to eat in here with you? We don't have to be on other sides of the house all the time. Just don't talk my ear off, okay?" He half smiled as I did the same, feeling a flutter in my chest.

"Okay," I confirmed. "But go ahead and have your alone time in the living room. I can eat alone for one meal. It's not going to kill me."

He gave me an appreciate smile before walking off, his backside the most attractive in the world.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I'm trying to make this a little bit of an enemy to lovers story. I just realized I didn't mention the main girl's name yet, but it's going to be, Bonnie, if you wanted to know. :) Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3 Also, the lyrics in the description are from the song, "Renegade" by Big Red Machine and Taylor Swift. <3

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