Happily Ever After

912 52 23

1 year later

Brantley's POV:

Sitting in the recliner in the living room with my 3-month-old son, John Ryder Gilbert- but we call him Ryder- lying on my bare chest sleeping while Karli rested on the couch, I wondered when my life had become something that people always dreamed about having. I have a career that allowed me to do the one thing that I loved most. I have a wife that I love with every ounce of my being. I have a son that is the best parts of Karli and I. I literally have it all. It's funny to think that not even a year ago, I would have laughed in your face if you had told me that I was finally going to get my happy ending, that all the hell that I went through would lead to me being the happiest that I had ever been.

Lord knows the last year hadn't been easy. Between hiding out on that remote island, dealing with the aftermath of Jax killing those responsible for hurting Karli and his family, and the media circus that had ensued when I'd spontaneously proposed to her on stage in the middle of my first show since our lives had imploded. But no matter how hard those times had been, I knew that better days were ahead if us. Better day because I had her and my son in my life; oh, and two nephews and a very precious niece, Ella, that already had Uncle B wrapped around their little fingers, especially little Ella.

"Abel and Thomas want to come swimming at uncle B's." said Karli, tossing her phone onto the couch beside her as she turned to face me. She looked so damn beautiful; she literally took my breath away every time I looked at her. "I told Jax that they have a pool of their own but they insist on coming over.

My wedding gift to Karli had been buying the land that butted up against mine and having a home built for Jax, Tara, and the boys. Of course, Jax hadn't wanted to accept it since he was a prideful man, but because he knew that Karli would want him close, he caved -just like I knew he would. Funny the things that you are willing to do for those that you love...

"You know I don't mind them coming over." I kept my voice low so that I didn't wake Ryder.

"You really are going to have to learn to tell them no." said Karli, a smile on her face.

"I don't believe that's in the rule book for becoming an uncle. I think it's the opposite to be exact."

"Then I don't want to hear a thing with Jax and Tara start spoiling Ryder."

"Baby, Ryder is going to have to many people spoiling him, we won't even know where to begin to point the blame."

"Oh, I know just where to start." Karli said, sitting up and giving me a playful glare. "You know he has to learn to sleep in his own crib right? I like snuggling with him to but eventually I want him to be able to fall asleep without resting on my chest first."

"When we start trying to create another one, then I will break the habit. Until then, just let me hold my son." I said, trying to sound put off by her words but the smile on my face gave me away.

"Well, since you brought it up..." said Karli, standing and walking over to me. Her hand caressed Ryder's head gently before she looked into my eyes. "You better start with breaking that cycle now because in roughly 8 months, there's going to be another little one to nestle there."

"Are you serious?" I said, jumping from my seat. Ryder shifted in my arms and gave a small whine telling me he was pissed because I'd disturbed his sleep but went right back to napping.

"Yep. Turns out I'm a regular Fertile Myrtle." Said Karli.

"I love you so fucking much." I whispered, tears pooling in my eyes.

"I love you too."

"I thank god every fucking day for bringing you into my life. I never knew that I could be this happy until your world practically collided with mine, making me realize that I hadn't been really living at all. With you I have everything I ever wanted and more." I said, cupping Karli's cheek and letting my thumb caress the smooth skin beneath it.

"You sure know how to make a girl tear up." She said, using her other hand to wipe away the tear that had slipped down her cheek. "But like you, I never knew that his type of happiness existed. But you are wrong on me colliding with you. We collided into one another with so much force that we became one. No way in hell we weren't going to make it to our happy ending."

I kissed her then, letting my tongue dance over her lips as I held her in my arms, our son and our unborn baby the only thing that stood between us.

"Better call Jax and Tara and tell them to come over. We have something to celebrate." I said, breaking the kiss as Ryder once more squirmed in my arms. "Better yet, I'll call him. I think Ry needs to eat and be changed." With a smile, I passed Ryder off to Karli, giving her a quick kiss as she looked at me with mock anger. I might have believed it if her blue eyes weren't sparkling with love and adoration.

"You just want to be the one to rub it in his face that you got me pregnant before he could get Tara pregnant again." Karli said, turning and making her way towards the stairs.

"What can I say? My swimmers are just stronger than his."


**I just want to say thank you to everyone for taking the time to check this one out! Not going to lie, I was terrified of writing this one because I was scared I wouldn't do the two fandoms justice. But I think it turned out pretty good; or at least I hope so :) Again, thank you all for every kind word, vote, and share. Yall are the reason I keep doing this <3

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