Clean Getaway

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Karli's POV:

After a couple rounds of the absolute best sex of my life, my guilty conscience was starting to eat at me. I'd came here with my two best friends and yet, here I lay in the bed with Brantley, my friends running around the venue without me. Not that they wouldn't be okay with me disappearing -I mean they did encourage me to do this so they sort of asked for me to leave them hanging- but that didn't mean that it was the right thing to do by any means.

Knowing that I needed to get out of here and find Jocelynn and Laney, I untangled myself from the warmth of a sleeping Brantley's arms, being extra careful not to wake him. Once out of the bed, I gingerly made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up. With each step I took, I was reminded of what the two of us had done, the feeling Brantley had made me feel. In a perfect world, a girl would start think about what would happen next. But this wasn't a perfect world. I knew that there was no future for Brantley and I. That didn't mean that the hopeless romantic side of me didn't have the fantasy that we could be. But I wasn't a dreamer and I knew that fantasies didn't come true. So, there was no need to even start thinking about what all of this could mean... in a perfect world of course.

Tossing the rag that I used to clean myself into the hamper by the sink, I looked at myself in the mirror. It's funny how the best sex of your life can make you feel different but not make you look any different. That if unless you count the love bites that were peppered across my chest. The memory of how Brantley had practically feasted on my chest as he had fucked me into oblivion slammed into my mind, making my core clench. My body wanted me to climb back in that bed and see what the morning light would bring but my head knew that it was time to go. Best to make a clean getaway and not have to deal with any awkwardness.

Chancing one last look in Brantley's direction as I stepped out of the bathroom, I had to fight the urge to climb back in. I had to force my feet to move around the room as quietly as I as I could in search of the clothes I had shed in the heat of the moment. I'd just picked my shoes up when the mattress shifted, making me freeze in place. I waited for his voice to fill the room, to ask where I was going, but nothing ever came.

Once I knew that he was still soundly sleeping, I tiptoed into the living area of the and found my bra, t-shirt, and flannel and made quick work of slipping them on. I didn't even bother to put my shoes on before walking to the door.

"Now how do I get out of here?" I whispered to myself, looking for the latch to release the door.

When I finally found it, I slid the door open just enough to slip though and out into the cool night hair. The pavement was cool on my feet as I pushed the door shut and began making my way back towards the venue just as PJ had showed me when he had walked me out here earlier. I didn't know if Jocelynn and Laney were still sitting backstage but I had to take a chance. Worst case scenario, they had left since they were paying the uber driver to hang around until after the show. But even I knew that wasn't a possibility. Jocelynn and Laney weren't that type of people. They wouldn't leave me behind for any reason.

I'd just stepped though the door of the venue when I heard Laney's laugh filter down the hallway. I began walking in that direction. The closer I got, the louder Laney's voice and laugh got as did Jocelynn's.

"Are you ready to go?" I said when I reached them, making them both whip their heads in my direction, their face full of all burning questions that I knew would come just as soon as we were alone. I didn't want to go into detail with them but staying around here and having to do the whole awkward thing with Brantley just wasn't something that I wanted to do. Did that make me a coward? Probably, but it was the best thing to do.

"Its been fun yall but its time for us to head home." Said Jocelynn as she climbed out of Brantley's drummers lap. I watched as she leaned in and whispered something to him before pulling out of his arms and walking over to me.

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