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Clay's POV

Rage simmered though my veins as I tore down the highway, headed to the address that Juice had been able to get for us. No one stood in my way of what I wanted to do. I'd made that clear to Gemma when I'd killed John all those years ago. But apparently Jax had been too young at the time and now blinded by love to see that I was not someone he wanted to cross. I took no prisoners. I had no mercy. Jax had taken the one thing that meant the world to me when he took the presidents seat at the table, booting me out. Truth was, I had nothing to lose. So if killing that unappreciative little prick and his family is what I had to do to send a message that I was not one to be fucked with, I was more than glad to do it, even if doing so meant that I wasn't going to get Gemma back. Then again, that ship had fucking sailed. She was busy banging every guy she could find, living in a fucking glorified whore house with her Mexican pimp.

Juice had asked me a few weeks ago if it bothered me that Gemma had left me. At the time, it had hurt because she'd walked away when I needed her the most. But now, I was just angry. Angry at her for walking away. Angry at Jax for his role in where I am today. Angry at everyone that I had spent the last 20 years with making memories and fighting for our lives against those that hurt us. Angry at the people that I thought had been my family. Hell, I was even angry at Frankie, Greg and Gogo -more so Gogo than the other two- for what happened to Karli. It hadn't been my intention for her to get hurt. She was truly innocent in all of it.

When I'd found out that Gogo had beat the shit out of her, I'd wanted to kill him; and I still might when all of this was over. Karli was like a daughter to me. I'd been the only father in her life since I'd killed John -something that I lived with every day. But even though I loved her like my own, she knew too much which meant that she had to be taken care of too. I just had to find her first. Turns out, that rockstar boyfriend of hers was proving to be a worthy adversary when it came to hiding out from someone hunting you. Guess that comes from all of his years of hunting the hills of Georgia for so many years. But eventually I would find him and Karli, even if it meant that I had to go after his family in order to do it.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Frankie pulled up beside me on his bike, pointing to an SUV heading in the opposite direction as us. Once again, Juice had been the one to get us the information on what Jax and Tara were driving now. Fuckers had thought that getting a new car in a different state would keep Juice from working his hacking magic...

My heart began to race as my vision zeroed in on the drivers seat of the oncoming car. Even from a distance I could see the set of the shoulders of the driver, I could see the blonde hair. After spending so many years watching him grow into a man, I could spot him anywhere. And apparently so could Jax.

The SUV shot off, weaving through traffic at the same time as me and the guys I'd brought along used an emergency cut-thru to give chase. Chasing my enemies on the freeway was nothing new to me. In fact, I preferred to do it on the highway even of it did mean that people would witness it. But what would they see? None of us had kuttes on. None of us had out faces exposed. All anyone would see is a group of guys on bikes turning an SUV into a block of Swiss cheese.

My sight locked in on the SUV as we weaved though traffic. Just as we were gaining on the SUV, I pulled the pistol in the waistband of my jeans out, ready to put a hole in Jax's head. I knew he would be carrying; he might not be a patched member of an MC anymore but some habits you just don't break and the security that you felt when carrying was one of them.

"Motherfucker!" I yelled when Jax suddenly took an off ramp, forcing me to cut in front of cars recklessly in order to keep up with him. I'd came this far, be damned was he going to get away from me now.

I twisted the throttle, letting the Harley eat up the pavement of the off ramp as I chased him. I couldn't help the smile that came upon my face as I saw the red light and the very busy intersection at the end of the ramp. You have no where to hide now you piece of shit...

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