Laugher is the best Medicine

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Karli's POV:

As I stood staring at my reflection in the floor length mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked like someone else. Jocelynn and Laney had both claimed they wanted to get dressed for tonight at my place so that we could leave from there, but I knew it was because Laney wanted to do my hair and makeup, something that I sucked at to be a girl. Don't get me wrong, I could do the basics but when it came to knowing the difference between a cut crease and a smokey eye, I was utterly lost.

Jocelynn on the other hand wanted to make sure that I didn't show up in ripped jeans with grease spots and a tee, something that I wore almost every day. I had dressier clothes, but working in a mechanic shop, didn't bode well for them. I can't tell you how man tops I've ruined over the years because unlike my mom, who worked in the office and never touched a tool in the shop, I liked to help as much as possible. Pissed mom off to no end that I didn't mind getting grease under my nails.

Dressed in daisy dukes, an off-white SAMCRO tee that Jocelynn had taken the scissors to the neck of so it would hang off one shoulder and I had knotted to show about three inches of my flat midriff, black chucks, and a blue and black flannel that I'd stolen from Jax's closet for when it cooled off later, I fingered the soft curls that Laney had put in my hair. The smokey gray eyeshadow that covered my eyelids made the blue of my eyes seem even brighter. Not gonna lie, I did feel pretty fucking sexy.

"I'm a goddamn artist!" Said Laney, as she walked into the bedroom from my bathroom. "Your look fucking hot! There's no way in hell you don't get noticed tonight, especially since we have pit passes and we are going to be as close to that stage as possible. Just remember who your best friend is when BG whisks you away to a private island and puts a ring on your finger."

"You're living in a fairytale if you think that type of shit happens in real life." I said, rolling my eyes. "Men don't just fall in love with a woman the first time they lay eyes on them."

"Miles seems to think that's the case." Said Laney.

"And Jax swears it was love at first sight with Tara." Jocelynn chimed in from the bathroom where she was doing her makeup.

"Yeah well, Miles is just feeding you a line of shit because he loves you." I said, shooting a look at Laney. "As for Jax and his whole view on love at first sight, if it was truly that deep back then, he would have left with Tara when she went to school like she had asked him to do. And he definitely wouldn't have cheated on her with skanky ass Ima right around the time Tara found out she was pregnant with Thomas. And why are we even talking about my brother? Last thing I want to do is mention his name and he show up like some genie from a fucking bottle and him go back on his promise to let us go to this concert without a club member babysitting us."

"You know just as well as I do that Jax is a man of his word. If he promised to not have someone babysit you tonight, then you know he will stick to it." Said Laney. Since she and I had been friends for so many years, she had gotten to know Jax and often looked at him as her big brother. Which I guess was only fitting since he often looked at her as his little sister.

"If I was you, I'd be worried about Gemma showing up and seeing you dressed on sexy. Jax might be a man of his word, but Gemma isn't and she didn't make any promise to you." Said Jocelynn, walking into the bedroom.

"Mom is to busy pretending to be a teenager and not the fifty-year-old woman that she is." I said, thoughts of my mom making that Teller temper that I had been blessed with threaten to spill over. Last I'd heard, she was hooking up with some former Mexican OG who now ran a glorified whorehouse. How fitting...

Since the shit had hit the fan where Jax and I found out that Mom had been cheating on dad before he died with Clay and that Clay had possibly had a hand in Dad's death, Jax and I both have sort of steered clear of mom, avoiding her calls and not really having anything to do with her. Maybe it was childish of us both to do that since we had also found out that dad had been cheating on mom with some chick in Ireland, but I just couldn't stand to look at her just yet. Couldn't stand to talk to her either because there was no telling what was going to come out of my mouth if I did.

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