Family Secrets

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Karli's POV:

"Jax, you're overreacting." I said irritably, gingerly moving on the bed to try and better reposition myself. Brantley was at my side instantly, offering help. It wasn't that I wasn't appreciative of his help -I loved the fact that he had dropped everything and came here- but I was an independent woman who didn't like to feel like she was being waited on, mainly because I never wanted anyone to hold anything they had ever done for me over my head. Add in the fact that Jax had just informed me of his and Brantley's plan to get me out of California -something that If I had my way about wasn't going to ever happen- and I was madder then I think I have ever been in my life.

I mean seriously, who do they think they are? Charming is my home. This place is all I knew and be damned if I was going to let Jax throw his weigh around and push me out of the place that I loved just for his peace of mind. And if I wasn't going to let Jax boss me around, I damn sure wasn't about to let a man that I had only knew for a month and who was the father of the child l was carrying throw his around either.

"The hell I am!" yelled Jax as he stood from his chair in a rush, causing the plastic chair to topple over, the loud noise sounding like an explosion to my already aching head, making my irritability ratchet even higher. "You were attached by someone who wears the same fucking patch I do. You could have been killed. Your unborn child could have been killed. Its not just you anymore Kar. You have to think about the life growing inside you first and foremost."

"Who says I even want this damn baby?" I said, knowing that it was a lie, that I wanted this baby more than I wanted anything, but just as it always did when I was pissed, my tongue lashed out, saying things that were meant to hurt whoever was around when they were uttered. Instant washed over me when I saw the horrified look on Brantley's face. That regret only grew as I watched him lower his head and walk out of the room, softly shutting the door behind him.

"That was a low fucking blow, Karli Saige." Said Jax, using my first and middle name -something that he only did when he was either on the verge of losing his cool with me or my words had struck a nerve. I watched as he crossed his arms over his chest, stiffening his spine.

"I know." I signed, letting my head fall back on my pillow. "I didn't mean it and you know it. You know how much I have always wanted to be a mom, not that I had a good role model in that department or anything."

"Yeah, but BG doesn't know that."

"He knows all about our mother." I said. "He knows every heinous thing she has ever done. Got introduced to her wicked ways when she sold those photos a couple weeks ago."

"I meant that he didn't know that you didn't mean what you said." Said Jax, walking over to the edge of the bed and sitting on it. His hand landed on mine and squeezed before he continued. "I'm going to tell you something that only Tara, mom, and I know."

"Okay." I said nervously.

"You remember everything that happened when Tara found out she was pregnant with Thomas. Our mom had just killed Edmond Hayes, she was on the run and hiding out at her dads place. Cameron in turn kidnapped Abel an led us all on that unexpected trip to Ireland." Said Jax, giving the cliff-note version of the chaos that had been our life at that time.

"You went to a very dark place along that time." I said, squeezing his hand as I remembered how he had tried to push Tara away by doing everything he could to hurt her, including sleeping with Ima the whoreasaurus.

"Anyway, what you don't know is that after all the shit I did to Tara, she was considering having an abortion. Mom dropped that atomic bomb on me when I'd stupidly considered letting Abel stay with the people that had adopted him. I hated that Tara hadn't come to me and told me what she was considering but who was I to ask her to reconsider when I was the one that was causing her so much pain." Said Jax, hurt lacing his voice at what he had almost let himself do thanks to a misguided priest who thought he was honoring our fathers wishes to make sure that John's kids never knew this life.

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