Hell Hath No Fury: Part 3

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Tara's POV:

"What are you doing here?" said Jax, waking towards me as I made my way to the emergency departments waiting room, a room that should be named for SAMCRO since it seemed they were always taking up residence there for one reason or another. In fact, it had been in this every waiting room that I had laid eyes on Jax for the first time after moving back to Charming following my father's passing.

"I couldn't not come." I said, stepping into his arms but not before taking a good look at him. There were worry lines around his eyes and mouth that hadn't been there just a few hours ago and tension seemed to radiate off him. Even though Jax had told me that he didn't want me to come to the hospital, seeing how he was handling this and the anger that I could see simmering in his blue eyes, I knew I had made the right decision in coming. There was also the fact that I knew from experience that Karli was going to want a familiar face staring at her while asking questions that she would most likely rather not answer.

Lifting a hand to his bearded cheek, I stroked the soft blonde hair on his face as I looked into his eyes. "I know you are worried bot Karli. I know you are worried about me and the kids. But Karli is in the best hands here and the club is on lockdown with Opie, Miles, Happy, Tig, and Phil all on lookout. The place is on full lockdown. No one is getting in or out." I said, hoping that my words would ease some of the tension that I could feel radiating off him in heavy waves.

"If they are all there, that means you came here alone." He said, his tone clipped.

"Nope. Juice is sitting out front." I said, earning an eyeroll from Jax. I knew that he and Juice had been having some issues lately, mainly because Juice had been hanging out with Clay quite often -and we all know Jax's suspicions about Clay- but all in all, Juice was a good brother to the club.

"Guess it's better than Clay guarding you." He said with a sigh.

"I'd be better off on my own." I said, unable to keep the venom out of my voice when referring to Clay. They type of things tends to happy when someone tries to have you killed because you know too much. "Anyway, any update on Kar? Have you talked to Brantley?"

"He's on the way. Doesn't know details but knows that its time that we put out little plan in motion." Said Jax, looping an arm around my waist as he guided us towards the vending machine. None of the guys knew about Jax's plan to get Karli out if Charming. None of them knew that when Karli left, it was only going to be a few days before Jax, myself, and our kids packed up and left as well.

Over the years, Jax had promised to be done with the club for various reasons. But there was always something pulling him back, mainly his conniving mother and her overbearing ways. But since Gemma was doing her own thing and not caring about the kids that she claimed to love with all of her being, Jax knew that this was his only chance of getting out of the life and giving our children the life they deserved, away from the violence and the constant worry that someone was out to hurt us or them.

"I know Kar is going to flip her shit but its what's best. Brantley had agreed that instead of heading to his house that everyone knows about, he's going to rent a place in Key West so that they can get away from all of this. According to him, the place he has in mind is a remote island about 30 miles off the coast. Its still in the country but far enough away that they will be able to hear and see anyone that is coming. Only problem is, there is no cell service on the island. But he said that he was going to get a SAT phone so that we could have an open line of communication. Even expressed that there was an open invitation for you, me, and the kids should we want to get away too." Said Jax, keeping his voice low so that he wasn't overheard.

"We shouldn't have to hide out on a private island just because of the club and it's enemies, Jax."

"I know that. But given what Karli told me before the ambulance got there, this thing is bigger than just Clay. There's no doubt in my mind that Clay is behind all of this but he's not the one getting his hands dirty. The NOMADS that he brought in -Greg, Gogo, and Frankie- are the ones doing his dirty deeds. It was Gogo that did this to my fucking sister." Said Jax, his anger growing with each word he said.

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