Personal Journal: What I'm capable of..

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I don't know if anyone will believe me. I have this hidden talent, I can easily distinguish what kind of person he or she in one glimpse. In some cases, I haven't seen the person yet, but I'll magically understand her character by the way she expresses her feelings through words.

I can easily say if, we can get along or not. I can say if she or he likes me, dislikes me or threaten by me.

That was the reason why I have few people around me, because I can see through actions. And I can hear the hidden meaning through words. I could understand everything and then I can predict if he or she is trustworthy or not.

I'm not taking psychology or social studies, I'm just an observant since I was a kid.

I guess, this is one of the main ingredient of being a writer. So I could write and explain what I have notice. I could tell what others could not see by their eyes.

It's kind the amazing. I'm just like a fortune-teller or something. Maybe this is one of the power of being a demigod. Just kidding. Lol.

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