fallen down

270 18 194

no more britain chapters until post thing lets goooooooooo

Sov's POV:

It's been a quiet day. There was supposed to be some independent meetings between me and a few others but almost all of them got cancelled.

The only one that didn't get cancelled was one with Britain. But... he didn't show up. That's not like him at all. I wonder where he is. I did try to contact him but no luck there.

I just hope he's alright... He doesn't exactly look after himself all too well. I let out a sigh and open one of the draws of my desk. I pull out the letter I've been working on.

Everything about this letter must be perfect. It's for Britain, afterall. What can I write that'll be worthy of him reading it?

So far I just have Dear Wynborne at the moment.


I'm so amazing at using the English language that it's almost surreal.

My office door suddenly swings open and slams against the wall.

"BOSS. HOLY SHIT!" East Germany yells as he stands in an attack stance in the doorframe. I scramble to put away the letter I'm writing.

"Hi East. Please knock next time," I say rather calmly, I guess I'm too used to crazy things like this.

East closes the door and walks over to my desk. He slams his hands on my desk but still, as always, shakes like he has been stuck in the cold for hours. He wears his usual dark green suit and has his hair nearly slicked back, aside from the shorter parts at the front.

"Have you heard the news?"

I shake my head. The news could mean a lot of things.

"You really haven't heard?"

"Heard about what..? I've heard alot of things recently,"

"About Miss Cuba of course! Her nation's gone through revolution. She's one of us now," East says excitedly. He practically shakes with too much energy in his seat.

Miss Cuba huh? Isn't her nation right next America's? Wait. That's going to cause so many issues. It doesn't take a genius to see that.

"Well what do you think we should do about it East?"

"I-" East cuts himself off and makes a low humming noise as he thinks.

"I'm not sure Boss,"

I shake my head with a sigh.

"We should let Miss Cuba come to us, rather than us approach her and be labelled as aggressors by the US Government,"

"I see. Playing it safe," East pauses. "That's quite unlike you... No offense Boss,"

I again sigh. I've been doing that alot lately.

"Yeah well, life happens East and people change,"

"Of course Boss," East shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

I lean back in my chair and stretch. Atleast this has given me something to do other than sit around all day.

"I need to go talk to America," I push myself up from my chair. East immediately stands up aswell.

"Why? Talking to him seems like a waste of energy," East mutters under his breath but I still hear him because he doesn't seem to realise how to mutter under his breath properly.

"I know that and you know that but maybe I can get through his thick skull for once," I take off my coat from the back of my door and pull it on.

I open the door and let East go through first. Where would I find America anyways?

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