•Bonus Chapter One•

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EVATHEBRIT asked for this so i shall deliver. more bonus chapters will probably come later.

Third persons POV:

The nursery had been these children's home since they first came into being.

Each piece of art.

Each article of clothing.

Each height check on the doorframe.

Everything could be found in this room. It was a room of memories.

At night the room lit up with glow in the dark stickers that the adults helped the children place on the ceiling. The blackboard would be wiped down and the tables would be cleared of any activities that were performed the day prior.

But not tonight.

It was around 9pm. Both NATO and Commonwealth were sound asleep. Each snoring at different pitches in a tune that some would enjoy. The eldest, UN was still wide awake. He was getting ready for tomorrow. He couldn't sleep. After all this time, he would finally be able to get the friendship he wanted.

He would finally be able to show that he wasn't a freak.

UN searched through he wardrobe for the perfect outfit to wear tomorrow. He wanted to be ready. Many clothes had already been thrown into a pile. Most notable a lot of knit clothing that China had made for him. She had even personally embroidered UN's favourite flowers on them. He did love these clothes but the month prior had been laughed at by the boys for wearing 'girly clothing'.

He eventually settled on dark blue overall shorts, a white shirt with a blue ribbon and his normal school shoes that France had bought him whilst saying 'every young man needs a fancy pair of shoes like this. how else can he attract girls without them?'. Much to the dismay of both Britain and America, as they actually understood that children's feet grow quickly so buying expensive shoes like that for a child would be costly.

With his clothes chosen for tomorrow, he carefully refolded all the clothes he went through and put them away neatly in his drawers. He then folded his clothes for the next day and hurried over to his bed. UN said a quick prayer at his bedside for good fortune tomorrow, then proceeding to tuck himself into  bed. Back when he was younger, Britain had to sing him lullabies just so he could sleep. However, he was now eleven years old and able to fall asleep without the soothing melodies that Britain would create. UN was ready for tomorrow.

Now he just had to wait for it to arrive.




The next morning arrived slowly, UN had a long dream about running up and down stairs. Every time he tried to reach the exit, the stairs would get longer. Many would consider this a nightmare, however the young UN loved the challenge, finding it quite enjoyable. Much like a dog chasing it's own tail.

He awoke at exactly 7am. He did this every morning, regardless of whether or not it was the weekend. It was good to keep a routine. UN flung himself out of his bed and ran over to  NATO's bed, shaking the eight year old awake. He then did the same to Commonwealth but with her kicking UN back.

"Whaddya wan...?" NATO slurred, clearly still half asleep.

UN pointed at the clock. NATO's eyes followed his finger to the clock. As soon as he realised the time, he jumped out of bed and rolled onto the floor. The two boys turned and gave Commonwealth's general direction a death stare. They hovered at the sides of her bed. Commonwealth had placed her duvet over her head when she kicked UN so she could sleep so more. Five more minutes.

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