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yes it's soviets pov again. i dunno why.

Soviet's POV:

Dear God this train is empty. It is ten in the morning. The carriage we decided to sit in reminds me a lot of the ones I had to clean at the crack of dawn just to get enough money to eat. Despite this, these things were always nice to look at. All the details and stuff.

"Damn this stuff looks like an old person's home," Britain flops down onto the chair, I sit across from him. The table that separates us has coffee stains and gum stuck to it. Very gross.

Almost immediately after we sit, the train stutters slowly out of the station, making a horrible noise as it does. I need to convince my leader to work on infrastructure again, huh? I stare out the the window. There's nothing better to do. The tracks around the train start and stop randomly, I can only assume that they're being worked on.

Britain taps his fingers on the table, either unaware of how disgusting it is or just doesn't care. The tapping makes a nice rhythm. I turn my head towards Britain, his eyes fixated on the spider in the corner of the seats next to us.

I keep looking at Britain, with this light I'm able to see him in much more detail. After I was unable to wake him up the other day, I decided to change the bandages wrapped around his head. I wonder if he noticed.

His face is dotted with small freckles that remind me of the stars in the sky and a few healing cuts from the war. The most notable part of him is the massive scar running down his left cheek, I don't even know how long thats been there. I also don't want to ask.

Britain must have noticed me staring as he returns it with a glare, minus any apparent hate behind it.

"Do you need somethin'?" He stops tapping and leans across the table.

Monica looking ass hoe-

"No.. Was just lost in thought," Maybe I should start a conversation.

"Ah, actually I do," I watch as he retracts from the table and looks down at his boots. "Why where you looking at the spider?"

"It just looked so... how do i put it? ... Peaceful over there, that's all," He presses his fingers together over and over again rather than tapping them on the table.

"You have noticed that the spider's dead, right?" I lean back in the chair.

"Of course I have, what do you take me for Rupolsky?"

How does he..? What?

"How do you know my last name..?" Britain gives me a questioning look. I should be the one doing that.

"Why wouldn't I? You introduced yourself to me as that, remember?" The memory hits me as though I was just struck by lightning.

The harsh wind pushes against my entire body. The river next to us flows the same way. Maybe I'm not meant to go this way? But Mr. Vladistov had said that this meeting was important. Mr.Vladistov looks like a man in his late 20s yet is very older than that. His muted clothing suits his dark blonde short hair and also his personality. I mean it in the nicest way possible but if Mr.Vladistov isn't angry at something, then he's just boring.

I trail behind him, his dull red scarf nearly hitting me in the face multiple times.

"почему мы здесь?"
'why are we here?'
I ask. Mr.Vladistov stops and turns to me. He rubs the bridge of his nose and looks over at the river.

"ты должен знать. это встреча. шанс заявить о себе,"
'you know why. it's a meeting. a chance to introduce yourself,'
he pulls his scarf off and wraps it around me instead.

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