the warmth of a home

488 21 301

fucking hell lads last one was so long it had to be split into two!
also yes soviets pov twice in a row
maybe the next one will be brits i dunno

Russian man's POV:

Walking in the dark of night is just an opening to be killed. The deathly silence unnerves me.

Just a little.

Yeah, a little.

Britain walks ahead of me. I would walk next to him but the path is too narrow for that. Besides, I have no idea where I'm going. And it's dark out. How Britain can even see two metres ahead of him baffles me. Sure there's the occasional lamppost but still.

"Soooooooo..." I trail off my singular word to get Britain's attention, with my breath being visible in the cold. He turns around but continues walking, perfectly avoiding things that could make him fall as if it were second nature. Kind of ironic actually. He hasn't fallen over in a while now though.

"How long have you lived around here?" I ask. Britain turns back around and slows his walking speed, letting me catch up next to him as the path becomes wider.

"A good few decades I guess, I used to live a lot closer to Central London than I do now,"


"What's with that reaction?" Britain asks as we turn a corner. Atleast, I think it's a corner.

"I just can't imagine living in a place around regular people for so long... How has nobody noticed an immortal being living among them?" I can speak clearly on the matter here. I know we are completely alone so I don't have to tread carefully.

Britain stiffens a little when I finish speaking but still continues to walk.

"You raise a good arguement however. Counterpoint,"

He pauses. Maybe for dramatic effect?

"I just really don't care anymore," He spits that out with a type of venomous hatred that I've seen from the people back home that have hit rock bottom. Has this been why he's been acting off today? I'm still not too sure.

Britain stops walking and pulls himself up on the brick wall next to the pavement. He sits on the wall and pats the part next to him, motioning for me to join him. He sits almost directly under a lamppost aswell.

I join him.

"I'm sorry for that outburst. I suppose the reason I don't live somewhere more remote is that I'm just a lonely creature. Perhaps, deep down, I just crave the feeling of being around someone," He looks at me with an empty expression. No emotion is even present on his face.

"I like to think that's just a consequence of being human, y'know?" I smile. Britain furrows his brows as he looks down at the floor. He seems to consider what I've said.

"Most people don't really notice, especially when they all have their own lives to worry about,"


"Hmm, well, philosophy isn't my strong suit unfortunately,"

Britain pauses a little, taking a deep breath as he does.

"But noticing where things aren't right is part of my job... With that being said, are you ok Soviet? You've been looking pretty sorry for yourself whenever things get silent,"

Oh. I haven't done a good job at hiding that. Have I?

Why am I asking myself that?

Should I tell him? Do I really trust him enough for that? He still hasn't told anyone about my valour and it's been years. I want to... but...

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