fetch quest

592 21 217

a british bitch chapter with no music reference.

Bri'ish POV:

"So let me get this right,"

I lean back in my office chair and flick through the file I've been compiling recently.

"You two split Korea in two, then they started fighting and the UN sent in troops but they went too far and now China is getting involved. And the only reason this even happened was because Soviet wasn't around to veto the peacekeepers," I slam the file shut as I finish speaking and throw it on my desk.

America nods slowly.

"Well, when ya put it that way..." He pouts in his chair. What an idiot. I pull out a lighter and relight the cigarette I started before he barged in earlier.

"What are you going to do about it, America?"

I let out a puff of smoke and America immediately starts coughing.

"Oh grow up,"

"You told me you were gonna stop. It ain't healthy man,"

"Yeah, I'll stop when you lot stop pissing me off,"

"You better not be doing that in front of UN or NATO, Sunshine," He leans forward and taps a pile of papers marked as United Nations work on my desk.

I sigh slowly and put the cigarette down, "I'm not a monster, America,"

We stare at eachother. America shifts in his seat, clearly uncomfortable.

"I'll reiterate, what are you going to do about it?"

He clears his throat, pulls out some papers from his bag and hands them to me.

"I need you to give these to Soviet. I would do it myself but... he ain't exactly on speaking terms with me,"


"Oh! And you can look through the papers, if you want. They aren't confidential. It's just a proposal for a way to stop the thing in Korea,"

I hum in response and quickly skim through the papers. I look up at America again and he had already made his way to the door. He waves goodbye and leaves. Only here for work. And nothing else.

Well, I suppose I should get this done before doing anything else. Peace is pretty fucking important anyways.

But first. I'm finishing this bloody fag.




Soviet is in the building today. So I don't have to travel across the world until I go home. This isn't the only chore I have to do today.

Let's think this through. Soviet's office is on the opposite side to mine and is also on a high floor. He is also never in that room too often. The lift is also not working.

The other things I have to do are basic crap like check in on people and hand over expired paperwork to 'The File', which is in the basement.

Now a normal person would go from top to bottom because it's more efficient to walk down stairs than it is up. But I am probably not normal at this point so...

See Russian man last and do stuff where I don't have to speak to anyone first. I'm a genius. Kinda.

I pack up all of the papers, each separated by who or what they are for, into my satchel and sling it over my shoulder. I walk over to the door but stop myself just as I grab the handle. I'm forgetting something. I turn and scan the room. Turns out I'm not just forgetting one thing, I'm forgetting many things.

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