Leave Him Alone - Jpat

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TW // physical violence/bullying, homophobic slur

{ Patrck's POV }

Patrck felt a chill run up his spine as he heard the voice call out to him, three sets of shoes walking towards him in a threatening manor. He slammed his locker shut and turned towards them, his glare meeting the taller's smirk. "Patrck! What're you doing?" The male asked. "Minding my own business, as you should." Patrck spat back, starting to walk past him, he angrily bumped the bully's shoulder, causing the other to push him back into the lockers.
His spine collided with the sharp metal, sending a small bit of pain through his body as he fell down to the floor. The other then kicked Patrck's chest. "You have something to say about that, faggot?" He spat with an annoyed and angered tone. Patrck didn't respond as he was still trying to regain his breath from the kick. For a second, Pat's gaze left the one threatening him and landed on one of his friends, who he now realized had his phone up, recording the whole encounter. He groaned angrily and started to get up, clutching his stomach. "I don't have time for this..." He said to himself, starting to walk away. He was then suddenly pulled back as the other grabbed the back of his hoodie, turned him around, and pushed him back onto the ground. The bully then started stomping onto Patrck's torso, all the while his friends laughed and recorded it. Patrck couldn't really do anything about this, so he just laid there and took it the same as he had so many times before.
Although this time, something different happened. Patrck suddenly heard the sound of someone quickly running up to the group and someone he had never seen before collided into the one kicking him, knocking him off of Patrck.
The bully took a second to regain his balance as he stared at the new guy with surprise and anger. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" He yelled at him. "Leave him alone!" The other yelled back in a high pitched but frustrated voice. It felt like time slowed down to Patrck, his eyes not seeming to leave the person who had saved him. He was confused, he had never seen this guy before, he wouldn't have a reason to do something like this. He had short brown hair, pretty green eyes, and was wearing a blue shirt that seemed to be merch for some sports team Patrck didn't recognize.
No one had ever managed to step up to his bully before, he basically ran the school, so the bully looked very confused as well. "Leave him alone?" The bully repeated, and let out a laugh. "Make me, pussy!" He added, and barely got the last words out before the stranger quickly punched him across the face, knocking him to the ground. The bully looked up at him with slight fear in his eyes, but mainly anger, as blood started to run down his nose. The stranger quickly turned to look down at Patrck and held out his hand to him, which he then took, and the two started running down the hallway. He heard the other two remaining bullies start to follow them, and they turned a corner, the stranger quickly leading him into a bathroom, shutting the two inside it. There was a few seconds of silence, then they heard the two pairs of footsteps pass the closed bathroom door, continuing to run down the hallway. The stranger then sighed, letting his head rest against the door, trying to get his breath back. "You... do know you just doomed yourself now, right?" Patrck said, causing the person to turn around and look at him in the eyes, Patrck's heart skipping a beat for a second. The two stared at eachother for a few seconds, still breathing heavily from the running and action. "Who are you?" Patrck asked.
"I'm Jp... I'm new?" Jp said, smiling a little, causing Patrck to smile back at him. "Why did you do that? No one's ever stood up for me before, especially not someone I've never met before." Patrck said, looking at him with confusion. "I- I don't know, it just seemed like they were beating you up pretty badly, so I just... went." Jp stammered, scratching the back of his neck. Patrck smiled again and looked down to the floor. "Thank you." He looked back up to Jp.
"They're probably gone by now, so uh... I hope to see you again Patrck." Jp said, and exited the bathroom. Patrck stood there for a second, still trying to calm down from the whole encounter, then realized that he had never told Jp his name.

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