Scary Movie - Jgar

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TW // none

{ Gar's POV }

Gar, Jp, Pat, and Wade sat down on Wade's couch to watch a scary movie. All but one of them love scary things, but Jp agreed to do it anyways. Wade turned off the lights in the room and they turned on the movie, going quiet to watch it. The movie didn't immediately start off scary, but eventually the first tense part started. Out of the corner of his eye, Gar saw Jp slightly scoot closer to him. he quietly laughed a little and patted Jp's arm. "You okay Jpar?" He whispered to the taller. Jp looked at him and nodded, smiling nervously, before turning his attention back to the movie. Jp started to get less tense as the movie went on, but eventually a jumpscare happened, which made Jp jump and instantly lean onto Gar's shoulder. Gar's chest started to feel warmer and his heartbeat pick up a little as he realized how close Jp was to him. Gar managed to keep calm though and he wrapped his arm around him. Jp had always been very touchy, and Gar just went along with it most of the time, so this didn't seem too out of the normal for them. Although, it did confuse him that he felt butterflies in his stomach whenever Jp touched him like this. Gar slightly shook his head and turned his attention back to the movie, although it was hard to. Throughout the whole movie, Jp somehow managed to get closer and closer to Gar, even grabbing onto his shirt for comfort. Gar didn't mind it though, he honestly thought it was kinda cute.
The movie ended and Wade stood up to turn on the light again, the group deciding to head to their beds and go to sleep, as it was pretty late.
Wade slept in his and Molly's bed, Pat and Gar slept in the guest bedroom, and Jp slept on the couch. Gar closed his eyes and settled down in the bed he slept in with Pat on the other side of the bed, a good distance between the two. Eventually, the two fell asleep.

{ Jp's POV }

Jp clutched onto the blanket covering him. He didn't know why he was so scared of that movie, the others seemed fine, but he couldn't seem to get the images out of his head as he closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and stared up at the dark ceiling, there was no way he was gonna be able to fall asleep alone. He slowly got up and made his way to the bedroom he knew Gar and Pat were in, opening the door quietly, and walking up to the bed. Gar was already sleeping, so Jp decided to try and not wake him up. He quietly and carefully got into the bed and snuggled up to Gar, basically being the little spoon. He put the blanket back over the two of them and closed his eyes again, instantly feeling much better.

{ Gar's POV }

Gar confusedly opened his eyes as he felt movement in front of him, seeing someone cuddle up to his chest, facing away from him. He quickly realized it was Jp and his heart started beating faster again. Gar moved his arms from his sides to hug Jp from behind, and closed his eyes again. He assumed Jp had had a nightmare or something, so he didn't mind comforting him. Gar very much appreciated moments like these, and although he wouldn't admit it, he wished they lived closer so he could be with Jp like this more. He felt Jp's breathing slow against his chest, assuming he fell asleep. Gar smiled and looked down at the boy again before closing his eyes, also drifting to sleep.

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