At Your Doorstep - Par

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A/N: idk if this is insensitive or not since gar's mom is irl a bad person so uh.
also they're kinda teenagers in this. so the story makes more sense

TW // parental abuse, running away

{ Gar's POV }

Gar angrily opened his window and climbed out onto the cold grass, pure rage filling his thoughts. His mother had gotten custody of him again, and she took away his phone and all of his technology, so any means of communicating with his friends, his boyfriend, anyone, was gone.
He was aiming on running away and going to California to live with his boyfriend Patrck. Even if he were to get lost along the way, he would rather it than having to stay in that hellhole.
He walked through his neighborhood, through the town, and then finally to a bus stop. His feet were aching, but the longing in his heart kept him going. Gar sat on the cold bench until the bus arrived, then getting on it.
He went from stop to stop, further and further, until he managed to make it into California.
Now, he was finally walking into his boyfriend's neighborhood. It had turned morning and then back to night by the time he got there, and he hadn't slept at all during that time. Gar slowly walked down the sidewalk until he finally stood in front of the house who's address he had fully memorized, daydreaming of someday going to this very place, although he expected it would be through different circumstances. He stepped onto the wooden stairs and walked onto the porch, then knocking on the door. The sun had only just went down, so he didn't assume Pat would be sleeping at this time. It was a few moments before he heard movement inside the house, and then the front door opened.
There Patrck stood, in his pajamas, at first a tired look in his eyes, then a look of pure shock and happiness. "Gar..?" He whispered out.
Suddenly, all of Gar's work to get here and not sleeping dawned on him, his legs buckling under him, he fell onto the floor and blacked out.

Gar's eyes opened, instantly he got hit with a bad headache. He felt a hand softly petting his hair, and realized he was laying on someone's lap. Through his blurry vision, he saw Patrck's face staring down at him with a mixture of excitement and concern. "Gar! Gar, are you alright?" He asked softly. "Y- yeah... My head hurts like hell though..." Gar mumbled out, putting his own hand onto Pat's. Even through his headache, he did somehow feel better getting a little bit of sleep. "How are you here?... Did you walk here? Why didn't you tell me?" Patrck asked. Gar paused for a second, taking a bit to remember what had happened before this. "It's... It's a long story" He said, looking up at Pat. Although concern and worry filled his expression, Patrck looked absolutely beautiful to Gar. A piece of his dyed and faded purple hair fell down in front of his face as he looked down at him, his hazel eyes shimmering. Gar slowly moved his hand away from Pat's hand, and moved it to Pat's face, pulling him downward so they could kiss.
For the first time in a while, Gar felt complete. He felt as though he could live in this moment for the rest of his life, Patrck was really all he needed, and now he had him.

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