Obanai x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

The moonlight cast the garden in its gentle embrace, a soft blue light washing everything in a sparkling hue. The stars glittered high in the sky as the world slept peacefully. It truly was the perfect night in more ways than one.

I stared into his differing eyes, my breath caught in my throat as his hold on my waist tightened. My hands were caught in his hair, the dark strands rolling through my fingertips. The softness of it made me tremble slightly. The shivers only increased as Obanai brought me in closer to his body.

His bandage had been pulled off tenderly earlier, his scarred mouth pulled back in an insecure frown. I couldn't care less though. Bringing my lips to his, I gently kissed him.

Even after all this time, he was still unsure of himself as he froze up for a moment. I tugged on his hair softly, causing him to snap out of his daze as he pushed back against me. It didn't take long before his insecurity was forgotten and his attention was focused solely on me. The feeling of being the only guy he sees was equivalent to the sensation of flying, it felt impossible to come down.

Our chests were pushed together with his fingers tracing patterns along my sides, making me shiver delightfully. Running my fingers through his hair, he let out a small hum that tickled my lips.

"You're too cute," I chuckled quietly, breaking the kiss for a moment. Obanai gave me a mock pout before pressing another kiss on my lips, trailing more along the side of my face and down to my jaw. I let out another small laugh at the sensation.

"And you're too perfect, my dear," he whispered in my ear. Warmth crept up my face in sudden bashfulness. Giving out compliments seemed a lot easier than receiving them. Obanai made sure to shut me up before I could even think of a way to respond.

"I never want to leave," I sighed against his lips. He pulled away to smile softly at me, one of his hands coming up to cup my face. The moonlight reflecting in his mix matched eyes lit up his expression, accentuating his beauty even further.

"Then don't. We have all night with no where we need to go," he quietly suggested. He did have a point. His arms wrapped around my waist again to keep me close as he rocked us back and forth slowly. His lips found mine again as we swayed under the moonlight in pure bliss.


Yawning, I stretched my arms above my head as I let out a small whine. I still felt so tired and so I decided to keep my eyes closed as I attempted to warm myself up again. Burrowing further into the blanket, I quickly found warmth as I curled against someone warm. Arms immediately settled over my body along with a quiet chuckle from my lover.

Opening one eye a bit, I glanced at Obanai's soft smile as he stared down at me. My hands came up to rest on his chest before I reached up to give him a quick morning kiss. He instantly returned the favor, adding in a warming embrace that pulled me against his chest.

"Good morning gorgeous," he whispered in his raspy voice. I let out another sigh as I settled against his chest in exhaustion. It was nice to stay up through most of the night but I was definitely going to pay for it today.

"Good morning cutie," I responded hoarsely, giving a small hum as my eyes closed. Maybe I might be able to take a nap if I was lucky enough. By the readjustment of Obanai as he pulled the blanket higher over the both of us, it was safe to assume we weren't going anywhere soon.

"Are you still tired? It's almost lunch time," he chuckled. His hand rested on my head, his fingers running through my hair gently. The soothing sensation sent shivers down my spine. He knew all the ways to make me swoon.

"I'm always tired even when we don't stay up all night," I retorted with a huff. I didn't regret our time last night even as I became slightly snappy from a lack of rest. It was increasingly getting harder to feel even the least bit bitter with Obanai rubbing my scalp gently.

He didn't say anything for a few moments, only focusing on massaging my head lovingly as I hummed delightfully. Nothing could beat moments like these where I had him all for myself. His sweetness knew no bounds when he was with me.

"I love you." Everything seemed to stop as my head snapped up to look at Obanai in shock. He instantly withdrew his hand to stare at me with a light blush dusting his face. He looked slightly panicked. It was the first time he's ever said that to me.

I leaned forward to rest my hands against his face. Guiding him to me, he didn't hesitate this time to kiss me. His insecurity didn't even register as he pushed closer to me. I pulled away quickly to look at him. "I love you too."

Demonslayer x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now