Obanai x Reader

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"How the hell did you manage to do this?"  I deadpanned at the snake hashira.  He dangled back.  Somehow he had managed to get caught in a demon trap and now was suspended from the tree, snake and limbs secured tight against him by chains. 
I had been enjoying my morning walk, nothing but me and the breeze.  It had been quiet, peaceful and much different than the demonslayer headquarters I had been walking away from.  All I wanted was an unchaotic walk through the trees without any problems, until I found him.  I couldn't tell whether this was making my mood worse or better, it was kinda entertaining seeing him fall for such a trap. 
"Just get me down already," he snapped impatiently.  I only stared back, somehow managing not to break out into laughter yet.  He squirmed in anger only making it harder to contain myself. 
Finally, I couldn't help it, the little angry wiggles did it.  I burst out laughing as I leaned against the tree for balance.  I heard an annoyed grunt from above me as my body trembled from the laughter. 
It took several seconds before I pulled myself together, silently heaving in exhaustion.  I tilted my head up, face warm and flushed from nearly suffocating, death by laughter would've been on my gravestone if I hadn't managed to quit.  Obanai looked unamused.  His eyes were narrowed in annoyance. 
"Oh don't look at me like that, you're the one who did this, not me," I chuckled out.  I could tell he was pouting without even seeing his mouth.  I sighed and walked right below him, fingers running through his dangling hair mockingly.  He squirmed yet again as I heard a hiss, I couldn't tell if it came from him or the poor snake stuck against him. 
"Stop laughing already and get me down," he seethed, teeth grinding.  My fingers flicked his forehead and I watched him flinch from the hit.  Pulling his face closer to me, I ducked down to meet his eyes.  They were beautiful even when glaring daggers, one a golden hue and the other a deep turquoise.  My grip in his hair tightened, not painfully though, I'm not cruel.  He raised an eyebrow in confusion, still managing to look pissed though. 
"I want you to ask nicely before I do anything for you.  Entertain me," I whispered to him.  He thrashed in response, desperately trying to free himself.  I laughed yet again.  His poor pride was suffering today. 
While he flailed about, I slinked to the trunk of the tree.  My arms clung to the tree as I pulled myself up to the lowest branches.  I searched quickly for the end of the chain to find it near the top.  Shaking my head, I gripped another branch and began my climb. 
The branches trembled slightly as I ascended.  Cracks made me tense up but nothing broke under me.  I had made it to the top before I realized that Obanai had stopped moving.  Rolling my eyes at his dramatics, I reached out where the chain had been secured tightly to the branch.  My fingers made quick work of the lock. 
Too late, I watched the chain whip through the air as a body thudded against the ground.  Frantically, I looked below seeing Obanai now lying in the dirt facedown.  I quickly crawled down, jumping onto the ground and rushing over to him. 
Kneeling down, I grabbed his shoulders and eased him onto his side hearing a groan.  His eyes were clenched shut but he seemed fine, even the snake looked unscathed.  Exhaling in relief, I brushed his hair from his face.  His eyes shot open to glare at me yet again but it didn't look as meaningful as before.
"Untie. Me. Now."  Looking down at him and thinking over his demand I stood up and made a show of walking away.  His glare immediately dropped as he turned frantic. 
"Wait!  Please!  Untie me please!" he begged loudly.  His mouth snapped shut at the end as he realized what he had said.  I spun around just as quickly as I had stood up, walking back over to him and pushing my face in front of his. 
"Finally you said it.  I was ready to leave you here all day," I teased, smiling playfully.  His face was flushed from hanging upside down but it seemed to redden more.  I flicked his forehead again before looking at the restraints.  I found the lock, instantly undoing it and unwrapping the chains. 
Before they had all been removed, Obanai shot up and tackled me to the ground.  I gasped as I looked up at him in slight shock.  His snake curled around his neck in its usual place, tongue flicking in my direction, I took it as mockery. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I hissed, trying to remove myself from him.  His grip tightened on my arms as his face neared mine.  His eyes didn't look menacing like before, not even annoyed.  He almost looked conflicted. 
"You took forever to get me down," he sneered halfheartedly.  "But I guess you still freed me so...".  He leaned down quickly, his dark locks fell across my cheeks as his covered mouth pressed against my forehead.  "Thank you I guess," he grumbled before flicking the same spot and retreating. 
By the time I had sat up and fully registered what had happened he was long gone, only the chains and the warm feeling spreading through me was left to assure me he had been here.  I stood slowly as if I couldn't trust my legs before looking around as if I would find him somewhere in the trees. 
Taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart and unsteady breathing, I picked a path and continued my walk except I had strange new ideas and feelings to think about.  I'd have to figure out a way to deal with this when I got back, just not now.  Damn idiot.  He knew just how to plague my mind without him being here.  He knew how to get stuck in my head and he had done it.

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