Giyuu x Reader

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The door slammed open, my mood rapidly decreasing with each encounter of this day.  A sickly feeling wriggled deep inside my body wretchedly.  Everything felt wrong from my thoughts to my body.  My fingers trembled as they desperately tried to untie the sword sheath at my side.  An annoyed stomp and grunt later and the sword came free.  Frustration lashed across my mind as I chucked the sword to a corner of my room.  A loud crash sounded as books from the shelf fell from the impact. 
My breathing picked up considerably at the audacity of this day.  I was fed up with everything and so goddamn tired, too tired to deal with anyone else's crap.  I kicked off my shoes, letting them stay wherever they landed without a single care in the world. 
I shrugged off my top layer, freeing myself the tiniest bit but that small freedom stopped when I passed by the mirror.  I froze at the sight, immediately cursing whoever thought it was a good idea to bring such a hellish thing in here.  The sickly feeling spread further, making me flinch at the sight.  Why the hell is everything bothering me today? 
I wanted to scream and trash my room.  I wanted to strangle the stranger who found it funny to make stupid comments about me down at the village.  I wanted to strangle Sanemi for bringing it up over and over again.  The hyperventilating hit me like a train, taking me by surprise.  I turned away from my reflection too late. 
Staggering to my bed and sanctuary, I practically fell into the sheets.  My arms wrapped around myself as if I could try to hide from me.  A headache sprouted along my temples and down to the back of my head.  If the demons didn't kill me the stress sure would. 
A part of me wondered if I should drag myself to Shinobu and ask for some oils to put me to sleep but the idea of socializing was paralyzing in my state.  Nothing felt doable, not even breathing.  I squeezed my eyes tight, my hands tugging at my hair miserably. 
I didn't hear the door open or the figure slip in once they realized what was happening.  A hand rested on my shoulder making me recoil at the touch, my heart nearly exploding at the scare.  My eyes flicked anxiously to the stranger only to be met with a familiar face.  Giyuu pulled his hand away, allowing me time to recognize it was him and not someone unwanted. 
"Do you want company or space?" he asked quietly.  Gratefulness plagued my mind for a brief second, blinded by the thoughtful awareness he seemed to always provide.  I opened my mouth to speak but abruptly shut it again as a cry attempted to slip out instead.  I didn't dare mutter a word, instead allowing my hand to reach out to tug on his haori gently.  He gave a firm nod before slowly shifting my body back a bit, himself easing into the bed beside me.  His arms wound around my body tenderly, pulling me against him. 
"Is this okay?" he whispered to me.  I nodded, knowing I'd remember to show my appreciation for him later.  I shifted closer, allowing myself to mold into the side of his body with my head resting in the crook of his neck and shoulder.  Tears rolled down my face at the sense of peace that dulled the pain momentarily. 
I breathed in Giyuu's scent, drowning in the comfort of his embrace.  The kiss placed on my forehead seemed to be the last straw as I openly cried, not caring what Giyuu saw.  His hold on me tightened as his kisses continued to trail down my face.  His lips met mine for only a moment before he dragged them to my neck.  I gasped through my tears, his comforting affection turning to my hands and my wrists. 
I watched his loving actions as he moved from one insecurity to the next, leaving kisses behind on each spot.  Shivers rolled up my arms and down my back making me squirm pleasantly.  The hyperventilating subsided to deep breaths, my attention forgetting everything besides the black haired beauty kissing away the pain. 
My mouth opened to speak but Giyuu rested his lips there instead.  It was a clear thought, he didn't want me to talk and I was okay with that.  He pulled away, leaving my face burning and tear stained.  My arms reached up to wrap around his neck loosely, exhaustion flooding my senses.  I gazed into Giyuu's deep blue eyes in grateful bliss.  He offered the faintest hint of a smile. 
"Better?"  I laughed hoarsely with a nod.  He pulled me in, one hand on my hip and the other cupping my face gently.  He placed a final kiss on my lips, this one warmer than the rest.  It was a kiss goodnight, permission to fall asleep in his arms.  I cuddled into his chest, the sickly feeling still resting just beneath the surface. 
"Go to sleep and stop thinking," the gruff voice commanded softly.  I decided to listen to him knowing that letting my mind wander would only get me in trouble.  I felt my muscles loosen from their tenseness, the headache dulling to a small bruising. 
I gave one last peck to Giyuu's cheek, hoping it conveyed all the gratefulness and love I felt for him.  He seemed to understand as he murmured a soft 'I love you' before tracing small patterns on my back, sleep coming to claim me as its own for the next few hours.

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