Shinobu x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

"I'm not going!  You can't make me!"  My complaints fell upon deaf ears as I was practically dragged to the butterfly mansion.  I kicked and yelled but the grip of Shinobu was like an iron shackle and my body was too weak to have a chance against her.

"You've had a high fever for three days now and are still not any better.  You need proper medical attention before you have to leave for your next mission," her usually sweet voice seethed.  I let out a groan, crossing my arms like a child but she didn't budge and probably didn't care. 

I felt another pulse of heat throb through my body bringing about extra exhaustion.  I was really hoping whatever sickness I had would just go away on its own without me being dragged here.  I appreciated Shinobu's help, I really did but I didn't want to bother her or be seen like this around her.  I could barely stand as it is and who knows what sickly appearance I've taken on.  The butterfly mansion came into view causing a nervous tension settling into my shoulders. 

"It's really not that bad Shinobu.  I'm fine," I desperately tried to convince her.  A shiver decided that moment to shake my body and of course Shinobu felt it.  Her mouth frowned further, now more in concern than disappointment.  I looked away from her 'I told you so' expression.  With a sigh, I didn't fight her any longer.  A small part of me knew she was right. 

We entered the mansion in a flourish of lightheadedness and scowls.  She marched to the nearest room, yanking me inside without a word.  My eyes scanned the pleasantly decorated space from the clean sheets of the bed to the pots of lavender flowers providing a soothing smell.  The tension left my body in a single sweep. 

"Lie down."  The command was gentle but firm as I went to obey it.  Awkwardly, I sat myself on the bed, not really wanting to lay down just yet despite my exhaustion.  One glare from Shinobu and I didn't hesitate to lay myself down on the soft mattress.  A soft sigh escaped my lips and the pounding in my skull subsided by the tiniest bit. 

I watched Shinobu as she strided from corner to corner, grabbing a variety of things from drawers and shelves.  Everything she did was with precision, from dampening a towel to mixing some type of herbs with water. 

She didn't take long and before long her attention landed back on me.  Her hands came up to brush a stray strand of hair from my forehead.  The touch was tender and gentle, incredibly intimate for such a small action.  Her amethyst eyes watched me with care as she placed the wet towel upon my forehead.  The coolness of it battled against the waves of heat pleasantly.  I allowed my eyes to close wearily.  As much as I didn't want to be like this around her, it was too late and I was too tired. 

"I have some medicinal tea.  It should help with the fever," she spoke quietly.  A gentle breeze wove through the air between us bringing the scent of lavender.  Either I was sicker than I thought or Shinobu looked especially gorgeous right now above me with the most caring and loving look in the world.  I gingerly took the cup of tea from her soft hands, slowly bringing it to my lips.  It was gone all too quickly. 

"The best thing to do now is sleep, though you should shed a few layers first to ease the heat" she mumbled.  A new throb of heat burst across my face but it wasn't from the fever this time.  I merely nodded shyly as I undid the buttons of the fabric, lazily pulling it off and dropping it onto the floor by my side, exposing the under layers of clothes.  Sick induced drowsiness gripped my senses as I turned to my side to face Shinobu. 

"Thank you, beautiful," I rasped out.  My mouth snapped shut immediately and regret burned in my throat.  I quickly turned away in embarrassment.  A blanket was pulled up and over my body with a quiet whisper I would later wonder if I imagined. 

"No problem gorgeous."


The next few days were a haze of drinking tea, exchanging wet towels and sleeping.  Headaches came and went and my fever went strong.  It eventually began to die down with help from Shinobu and I found myself admiring her all over again with each remedy and careful caress.  She was constantly by my bedside with food and drinks or medicine.  It made me feel valued and, in an extreme way, loved. 

We shared stolen glances and could talk for hours at a time about nothing and everything at once.  It was truly bliss to be by her and I counted myself lucky for her company.  It took less than a week before I had nearly fully recovered with only a mild headache left.  Before I knew it, my next mission was ready for me to go. 

I stood across from Shinobu, a thousand words piling inside me but none came out.  She spoke first into the awkward silence between us.  "Next time, show up before you let it get that bad," she chastised sweetly.  I gave a short laugh but promised to not let it wait next time.  A crazy part of me was somewhat eager for the next incident I could call upon her help. 

"Also," she shyly stated.  "Maybe next time don't wait till you're sick to visit me."  She didn't look at me, instead aiming her attention to the floor between us.  A smile stretched at my lips.  I took the few steps between us to wrap my arms around her gently.  She didn't hesitate to hug back. 

"Thank you for everything you did.  I'll be back before you know it," I whispered in her ear.  She nodded against me.  I pulled back first, keeping my hands on her shoulders for a second longer before turning around to leave. 

"If you get sick again you know where to find me," she called out.  I looked over my shoulder with a smile and a wave.  Getting sick was probably the best thing to happen to me if it meant Shinobu was now a strong connection in my life.

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