Zenitsu x Reader

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Wind howled and the walls shuddered as the storm exploded outside.  Trees elongated their limbs to scratch eerily at the window panes as water drenched the earth wave after merciless wave. 

I pulled the pillow further over my head attempting to drown out the noise with no progress.  I didn't normally mind rainstorms but this one was louder than most and noise wasn't something I felt I could deal with at the moment. 

After a particularly horrifying mission including an encounter with a bloodthirsty demon, I couldn't help but hear its haunting screech in every sound.  My body tensed up as the rain somehow pounded harder on the roof overhead.  My breathing quickened as my mind grew frantic.  I had just barely managed to escape the last time.  Anxiety pierced my brain as those painful moments returned. 

The bites, scratches and blood.  The horrible screeching, howling and dying screams of the demon in its final seconds.  Sometimes, being a demon slayer didn't feel worth it but someone had to do it and I just happened to be available. 

I buried my face into the sheets in panicked frustration.  Words of desperate reassurance rang through my mind.  I'm okay.  I'm safe.  I'm okay, I'm safe. 

The rain eased up slightly outside as I exhaled in relief.  I just needed to make it through the night and once I fall asleep it will be fine.  The wind still kept up its restless howling making sleep feel far away.  A groan slipped past my mouth as I staggered up into a sitting position, glancing around the dark room. 

Demonic eyes and sharp claws flashed in the emptiness making me retreat back under my blankets.  The rain once again picked up with a new ferocity, heavy drops aggressively slamming the window.  I'msafeI'msafesafesafesafesafe.  I just wanted to sleep already.  Safesafesafesafesa—A loud crash outside interrupted my thoughts as a cry echoed through the room.  Heart pounding and mind blurry I realized the scream came from me. 

Tears slid down my face at the hopelessness of my situation.  All I could think of was a demon hunting for me in the night, preparing to tear my body apart.  Light flickered in the window as thunder shook the floor making me flinch.  Cries made my body tremble as the grip on the sheets tightened.  Laughter and howls along with the sound of claws on glass filled the room. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed out chucking the nearest object at the wall where the demon's shadow tried to emerge from my imagination.  The vase I had thrown shattered against the wall in a million pieces of broken glass. 

Another roll of thunder had me back under my covers.  Agonizing minutes passed slowly.  I trembled with each burst of noise and flicker of light. 

A hand suddenly grabbed my arm, making me jolt.  My fist came up to connect with the demon I assumed would be standing above me.  I stopped just as quickly finding a familiar person standing where my worst nightmare should've been.  More tears slid down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his torso, too scared to let him go. 

"Are you alright?" the blonde haired boy asked me worriedly.  I nuzzled further against his chest, hopefully conveying my answer without the use of words.  Arms gently wrapped around my shoulders as my anxiety quieted momentarily.  I blew out a hoarse sigh. 

"Oh god Zenitsu I can't stay here alone," I whispered.  Somehow he heard me over the noise as he gently tugged on my robes, signaling for me to stand.  I didn't hesitate as I wobbled onto my feet by his side.  My knees shook pathetically as I leaned against his side.  He readjusted his arms, one wrapping firmly around my waist and the other grasping my arm. 

"Do you wanna stay in my room tonight?" he offered.  I looked up into his golden eyes as I nodded my head deliberately.  He nodded back in response before we walked to the doorway.  He helped me down the hall till we stopped in front of a doorway I assumed was his as he turned the knob and entered. 

A cry of relief left my mouth at the sight of multiple candles chasing away the storm's darkness.  Zenitsu guided me to a bed pushed against a windowless wall, also a relief.  I promptly collapsed onto the sheets in bliss.  It was quieter here, not as dark with him near.  He watched me relax into his bed.  If I wasn't so sleep deprived I might've allowed a blush. 

"I guess you can stay the night if you want," he chuckled lightly.  I nodded in response as we walked to the bed.  He grabbed some blankets at the end and held one out to me.  I sleepily made a grab for one but he pulled it back.  I tilted my head curiously as he spread the blanket out and draped it over my body.  I instantly snuggled into the soft fabric as Zenitsu hesitantly climbed in beside me. 

I smiled softly at him as he seemed to feel more confident.  I reached out to him.  He glanced at me shyly before pulling me closer to his body under the blanket.  I sighed, pushing my face to his shoulder.  He tensed slightly before pushing back.  His hands slid to my back and rubbed small circles gently soothing my stressed muscles. 

Wind and rain pattered the roof but it no longer sounded like a hunting demon and more like a regular storm.  Thunder shook the floor and I clenched onto Zenitsu's robes harshly. 

"He's not here if that's what you're scared of," he whispered to me gently.  "Nothing is going to happen tonight." 

I nodded but still clenched onto him, not daring to let go.  He sighed into my ear sending shivers down my spine but, unlike the previous trembles through the night, this one was quite lovely.  I slipped off into a peaceful sleep with the image of Zenitsu's caring face burned into my mind replacing the nightmare with a dream come true.

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