Daki x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

I still remember the first day I met her.  I'd had one direction to follow and that was to kill but it had quickly become more than that.  The Entertainment District was full of all kinds of sins but none as punishable as mine.  Letting a demon live was the highest disgrace but becoming attracted to one was damnable.  I was the moth to her flame, destined to burn. 

As the star hashira, I wasn't much of a brute force fighter, something the demon I had encountered pointed out straight away.  It hadn't been only a jab to my pride but a challenge that I had been willing to accept at the time.  Though we didn't so much as bare our weapons after talking away and spiraling into complacency for the both of us. 

That talking had soon led to mercy on my part as I was quickly won over by the strangely welcoming demeanor of the demon.  There was something about her I couldn't deny and so I had turned a blind eye toward her presence and what it meant for others. 

After that moment, I began to loathe myself for the choice I had made, becoming completely sick.  Many nights I had spent killing countless demons in order to repent for my sins but each time I returned to her, she was waiting to lull me back into complacency. 

For a demon, she had many human attributes that would fool me into forgetting that she was my enemy.  It didn't take long for me to see what I had been raised to only know as an unredeemable monster, as a friend.  She became my secret, something to cherish closely and never allow anyone else to share for if anyone else knew, both of our heads would soon be rolling.


Despite the critical danger, here I was now.  I truly was a fool to keep returning but who could deny an aching heart?  As the demon entered the room, my sword stayed sheathed unlike how my fellow demon slayers would react.  Even after all this time, a small part of me still yearned to repent properly for this unholy affection but I brushed that thought quickly aside with one look at her. 

"Good evening Daki," I greeted pleasantly, a polite nod sent in her direction.  A small hum came from behind me as the demon strided to the front of the room.  I stayed kneeled on the ground out of respect and watched as she sank down as well directly in front of me. 

My eyes took notice of the usual kimono she wore with her dark hair pinned up with an assortment of pins.  She was gorgeous and didn't mind who knew it though I knew it was more to disguise herself then make herself feel pretty.  Her expression was one of careful calculation as she eyed me. 

"You're back again," she stated.  There was no tone in her voice that suggested any particular emotion besides impassiveness.  I was a little disappointed but not entirely shocked.  It made me wonder whether she would feel as sick as I did when our interactions ceased.  After all, her duty was to slaughter my kind just as I was to execute hers. 

"I suppose I like flirting with death," I replied cooly, trying to mask the sudden frantic beating of my heart.  It was hard with the way she seemed to stare straight into my soul.  A few silence filled moments later and the tension abruptly disappeared as Daki cast me a small smile. 

"Your sword isn't your only weapon, it seems I should watch out for your flattering remarks," she smirked, one of her dainty hands coming up to hover over her pink painted lips.  My own smile snuck onto my face at the comfortable atmosphere beginning to form.  It didn't usually take long for my muscles to ease as they did now. 

Watching her movements intently, I noticed the way her shoulders relaxed as her legs shifted to the side in a more convenient position.  I took her lack of formality as a signal for me to shift off my knees and settle into a legs crossed position, leaning back on my hands as a relieved sigh slid past my lips. 

"I'd say that was the quickest we've released the tension.  It seems my company is starting to become desired by you, my lady," I winked with a nod.  She smoothed the material of her kimono before brushing back a strand of her hair behind her ear.  It made me curious to know what her true form looked like and if she'd show me if I asked. 

"I'd be caught dead before admitting that I appreciate a hashira's attention," she sneered mockingly but the shimmer in her eyes revealed alternate emotions at play.  I didn't bother pointing out she had technically already died, by the way she cast her own wink, I figured she knew what she said. 

"I'll consider it an honor to be graced by your rare presence," I chuckled.  Her own laugh joined with mine, a beautiful mix of our shared happiness.  Deciding to take a chance, I leaned forward to stare into her bright eyes seriously.  "Could you show me your real form?" 

She seemed caught by surprise by the way her shoulders tensed up and her expression closed off.  Her gaze averted to somewhere behind me as thoughts clearly plagued her mind.  I waited patiently, ready to respect whatever choice she made. 

"I suppose I could taint your heavenly soul and show you true beauty," she mused before standing.  My face erupted in warmth at what she was about to do, my stare immediately latching onto the ceiling to avoid whatever was about to happen.  Daki let out a laugh that felt incredibly close by. 

A finger trailed along my neck before urging my face to look at her and my jaw dropped dramatically.  Her hair had come undone to fall around her bare shoulders, now a searing white rather than its previous dark color.  I was aware of her more scandalous clothing choice but my eyes stayed respectfully glued on the flower markings on her pale face instead.  She wasn't lying about revealing true beauty. 

"My dear goddess, I am not worthy enough to be in your presence," I teasingly bowed before her.  She let out a chuckle leading to my own laughter.  With a wave of her hands she shifted back into her more human passing disguise, resuming her earlier position but this time a little closer.  I quickly noticed the red blush creeping onto her face, a fact I wouldn't soon forget.

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