I'm Still Here

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"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for our weekly potluck dinner!" Rachel smiled hugging Sam as he walked in our door.

"I mean, it is only week two, the tradition will be falling apart in no time." Artie said, rolling around our apartment out of boredom.

"Hey, um, who's this?" Mercedes asked, holding up a flyer of Russ.

"That is our neighbor's friend. He got beat up last week." I sighed, walking out of my bedroom, Blaine trailing close behind.

"That's a nice way of saying he was gay-bashed." Kurt scoffed, and I hit him on the shoulder, giving him a stare to say 'Knock it off,' then sat next to Mercedes, who was already serving herself.

"Apparently he was just walking down Bleecker street. These guys jumped out of a pick up truck and decided to beat him up. He's lucky to be alive." Blaine said, sitting across from me at the dinner table.

"It's so depressing. Hate crimes in America keep decreasing but in New York, they're increasing." Artie shrugged, his arms crossed on the table.

"Yeah, why?" Mercedes asked, putting down her plate.

"Well, a few ignorant idiots just hate the idea that gay people are finally being accepted. They hate the fact that they're marrying, they hate the fact that they're moving into neighborhoods that are supposedly 'straight' so they lash out by trying to kill them." Blaine took a drink, and I started messing with his foot to try and provide some comfort since I couldn't grab his hand with all of the food on the table.

"Let's change the subject before we all get so bummed we can't eat. The NYADA Midwinter critiques are upon us, and our fearless leader, Madam Tibideaux has tightened her turban and given us the ultimate musical theater challenge." Kurt said and Blaine, Rachel and I all joined in with 'Sondheim!'

"Oh my god, it's amazing, how are we gonna pick, it's so hard!" Rachel complained, and I wanted to do Being Alive, but I definitely couldn't since Kurt did it last year. Rachel said that NYADA freshman never get picked for the showcase, and she was the first one too, but I guess Blaine and I's talent shown through because once again, we were the only ones invited.

"We have to do a duet." Blaine said, and Artie cut him off.

"Hold the phone. Are you two playing footsie?" He asked and I was a little confused by the question since Blaine and I doing this was a common occurrence and answered "Yeah." While Mercedes said "No." Instantly. I turned my head to look at her, completely in shock.

"I have that, restless leg syndrome. I forgot to take my iron pills." She muttered, and I looked under the table at Sam and Mercedes feet, which were now very far apart and playfully hit her shoulder.

"Good for you." I whispered, and she rolled her eyes then stuffed my mouth with a breadstick.

"Are you seriously going to do a duet with Rachel?" I asked Blaine, as we cleaned up the dinner table after everyone left.

"I mean, yeah, why not?" He shrugged, washing Sam's plate, which was previously covered in lots of shapes he had made with his food.

"Because Madam Tibideaux probably will not be a large fan of you ignoring the assignment." I sighed, coming over to the kitchen and sitting on the counter next to the sink as he washed his hands.

"She might be a large fan of us taking a risk." He smiled, drying his hands then putting them on the counter, leaning on it in front of me.

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