More Than A Woman

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I sat in math next to Blaine, who was absentmindedly fiddling with his pencil, while I was struggling for my life

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I sat in math next to Blaine, who was absentmindedly fiddling with his pencil, while I was struggling for my life. I glanced over at his paper, which was already entirely finished while I was on the second problem, so I peeked over his shoulder to try and copy him when he covered it with his hand and winked at me. I groaned and slammed my face into the textbook while he smiled at me. I heard him start tapping his foot, and I knew he was going to start singing.

He looked at me as he sang with loving eyes, and I was extremely upset that I couldn't join him since I was still in the chair, so I just followed him, Brittany and Mike out as they danced.

"Wow, guys, what has brought this on?" Mr. Schue asked as we all cheered once they finished.

"Well, we knew this year's theme for nationals was "Vintage," so we thought we needed something old, but with a lot of energy. So we thought: Disco." Blaine smiled, still trying to catch his breath.

"Absolutely. I don't know if I ever told you guys this, but back when I was in Glee Club, we took nationals with the pure power of unadulterated disco." He grinned and I groaned, he had told us that story 1000 times.

"There's just one problem with that." Puck said, crossing his arms.

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" He asked, looking slightly distraught.

"Disco sucks!" Half the people in the room yelled and I wasn't upset that we weren't doing disco, since I couldn't dance all the fun would be gone.

"Well, Samantha. It sounds like your ready for a brace instead of the cast." My doctor said, and I almost screamed.

"Does this mean I can walk?" I smiled and he nodded.

"Oh, Sami! I'm so happy for you." My mom said, hugging me but I pulled away.

"Wait, can I dance?" My eyes widened and the doctor looked hesitant.

"No rigorous movements, and if it starts to hurt I want you to get off of it immediately." He said and I started jumping up and down from my wheelchair.

"Get this cast off of me so I can get out of this thing!" I screamed and he laughed then walked out to grab the cast removing tools. I hugged my mom again, and I felt tears on my shoulder as we hugged.

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