Hey Jude

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"Sami, Blaine's here!" My mom called, and I walked downstairs, in my long, ruffled pink dress

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"Sami, Blaine's here!" My mom called, and I walked downstairs, in my long, ruffled pink dress. My hair was half pulled back, the front pieces still in my face while rest was curled. I walked down the stairs, and caught eyes with Blaine immediately. I thought about all the times I walked down a staircase, and how he looked at me the exact same way every time. Full of love. All of the proms, where I stopped him at Dalton, the second day we met and when he proposed. I love Finn, but walking down these stairs and not seeing Blaine broke my heart, even though Finn was also staring at me, but there was a different look in his eye. It wasn't love or lust like Blaine's, it was a look you give your sister. I hadn't seen Finn since the proposal when he gave me away to Blaine, and we couldn't really talk, but his eyes said everything for him. He loved me, and he was my brother. Finn wasn't just my best friend anymore, that day he became family.

"Sam, you are absolutely gorgeous." Blaine said, breathlessly.

"Let me get my camera!" My mom smiled, then ran out as fast as she could. She always 'forgot' her camera, but I know she just wanted to give us privacy and I was extremely grateful for it, because I felt very uncomfortable doing what I was about to do in front of her. I grabbed Blaine's neck and passionately kissed him.

"What was that for?" He asked, pulling away after a moment, his face red.

"I was just thinking about the Sadie Hawkins, when you couldn't say that to me and I want to take advantage of the fact that you can now." I shrugged and he laughed, then pulled a corsage out of his pocket. He stuck with the usual rose theme, and it had a cute pink ribbon wrapped around it. He slid it on my left wrist, in attempt to not distract from the ring, I assumed.

"It's perfect, thank you." I smiled, and before I could kiss him again, my mom came back in.

"Oh, your last prom! Okay, prom pose before I start crying!" She laughed, and Blaine wrapped his arm around my waist and I put my hand on his chest to show off the ring.

"You guys are adorable. Okay, get going, and don't get pregnant, please!" She smiled, after taking a bunch of photos.

"Mom!" I gasped, and Blaine grabbed my hand and pulled me away from her.

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