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"New Directions is a mess, we're going to lose, Sam

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"New Directions is a mess, we're going to lose, Sam." Blaine sighed, and I smiled at the name. Blaine had started calling me Sam, which I thought it was cute but it reminded me of Sam Evans, who I never even got to say goodbye too. He never actually talked to Sam, he probably forgot he existed so I knew he wouldn't think of him when he called me the name.

"And I can't do a thing about it. Every time I open my mouth, Finn gives me these looks, like, 'What does he think he's doing?' I know what I'm doing." He scoffed and I grabbed his hand.

"I know you do, baby." I was going to lean in for a kiss but we were interrupted by an annoying voice I wished to never hear again.

"Hey, guys! It's so crazy, I'm sitting over here, checking out this guy when suddenly I'm like wait, I know that hair!" Sebastian Smythe said, sitting at the table with us and Blaine smiled at him. I knew he wasn't a threat to Blaine and I in any way, but he still made me want to vomit everytime I saw his annoying little meerkat face and I wanted to claw his eyes out whenever Blaine gave him that adorable smile.

"What's up, buddy, haven't seen you online." Sebastian asked, then looked over at me.

"Hi, Sami." He gave me a soft smile then turned back to Blaine.

"We've been really busy with Glee Club." Blaine sighed.

"Practicing for sectionals, together." I smiled, moving my chair closer to Blaine and pecking him on the cheek. Blaine smiled at this, he knew what I was doing and so did Sebastian.

"Congrats on the Warbler win at your sectionals, we're up next week." Blaine looked over at me worried.

"Hey, if there's one person that can whip New Directions into a legitimate threat, it's Blaine Anderson." Sebastian smiled, directing it at me and Blaine suddenly got uncomfortable and walked away for a coffee.

"I don't like you." I said, as Blaine was out of listening range.

"Fun, I don't like you either." He smirked, and he leant forward.

"I don't like the way you talk to my boyfriend, who by the way has no feelings for you, what so ever. I don't like your irritating little meerkat face, or your obnoxious CW hair. I especially don't like how you think it's okay to constantly flirt with Blaine right in front of me when you know it makes him uncomfortable. I'm onto you." I said, trying to keep a smile on my face incase Blaine looked over at us.

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