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A GOOD PERSON WOULD LET GO OF ANGER. They wouldn't let the petty remarks of a spoilt girl get under their skin. They would listen when people told them not to sell themselves to the devil. Quinn was not a good person. Nobody understood where her anger fuelled from. They assumed it was another spoilt girl not liking being beaten at her own game. But while Quinn never pretended to be a good person, she would protest that she was a saint in comparison to Aubrey.

Quinn has had her fair share of revenge plots. She has allowed emotions to cloud her judgement and take that out on those who deserved it but never has she accused somebody of a crime they did not commit. Aubrey was not a good person and didn't deserve a good future. Nobody could convince her otherwise.

Quinn's master plan involved getting cosy with Grace Nears who would soon introduce her to her mother, one of the directors of Julliard who she would woo with her talent, charm, and devotion to her daughter.

Grace was eternally grateful to Quinn for inviting her to her party, the first real party she'd been to. But one party wasn't enough, they had to become friends. So, Quinn invited her to the mall where they could shop, eat, gossip and bond of their shared love of musicals.

"Thank you so much for this." Grace gushed as she stuffed her face with sushi and shopping bags surrounded her.

"It's no problem at all. We're friends." Quinn beamed even though it physically hurt to do so. Grace's face lit up at the word. She never had friends her own age before.

"You said we went to school together. You looked a lot different back."

Quinn shifted uncomfortably. She cleared her throat as she moved a strand of hair out of her face. "Well I'm sure we all do."

"Did you not have a scar?" Grace asked, searching Quinn's face for any remnant of the scar she remembered vividly. She was sure it used to be above her eyebrow.

"No. Not me." Quinn shook her head with pursed lips. Before Grace could open her mouth, Quinn spoke. "So, what's your next show?"

"Oh. The Red Shoes." Grace didn't even mind that the subject had changed. She was always excited to talk about her shows. People didn't understand what it was like for her. From the age of twelve she went from a little girl to a Broadway star. From the moment she stepped on that stage as Delphini Riddle, she signed her life away. She gave up her childhood for her dream. She didn't always regret it. She loved her job and when she got to talk about it, that passion bubbled in her chest and she was reminded why she did what she did.

GOSSIP GIRL, conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now