Alphabet Prompts - CLEAN

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Heyyyy I'm back :)

A - Adventures
Frodo: You had never been one for adventures, however Frodo was quite curious about the Shire. You and him would often go on mini "adventures" together trying to mimick his uncles Bilbo's tales.

Faramir: There is no denying that Faramir is a very courageous and loyal person. He often feels trapped by his beloved brothers shadow though. So to prove to not only himself, but his father as well that he is a worthy son, he would often go on various quests and adventures. You always accompanied him and were not willing to wait at home.

Aragorn: You had met Aragorn when he was a young ranger. You yourself were a ranger at the time as well. The two of you had lived most of your lives in the wild in isolation, but there was some kind of connection between you both. You started to accompany each other on many adventures and even assisted in the many battles that took place later on.

B - Breakfast

Sam: Sam and you would often argue over who got to cook breakfast. Being that you were both hobbits, you shared an enthusiasm for cooking. More often than not, you would lose the battle and Sam would cheerfully gather ingredients to cook a delicious breakfast.
Eggs, bacon, hash browns and sausages usually.

Bilbo: Let's face it, Bilbo was a horrible cook. A dish as simple as eggs and bacon always ended up burnt. He did pride himself on his ability to make delicious toast though. You two came to the agreement that you would handle the cooking. Bacon, mini quiche, and Bilbo's famous toast.

Pippin: Cooking did not come naturally to Pippin. You offered to do all the cooking, but being the true gentleman that he is, Pippin refused and instead asked you to teach him. Now you and Pippin alternate "cooking days."
Toast with homemade strawberry jam, hash browns, and pancakes.

C - crowns

Thranduil: You loved the complexity of his crown. The way the thorns and berries sat effortlessly upon his head fascinated you. You would always compliment him when he wore it (which was rarely) and a slight blush would creep onto the kings cheeks.

Legolas: The prince of Mirkwood wore a simple headpiece. You would tease him by calling it a tiara because of its daintiness. You adored it though. It complimented his face and soft features beautifully.

Aragorn: You would often stare at the Aragorns crown in adoration. It was a beautiful design and elegant cut outs rested perfectly on his head. It made him look so regal and strong (something he didn't need help with, but the crown amplifies).

D - dwarves

Thorin: Thorin is a stubborn and difficult dwarf to reason with. He is known for his argumentative tendencies. But with you, he has a soft, charming personality. He always lets the facade fade when you two are alone.

Gimli: Gimli acted all tough, but was truly a sweetheart. He is always one for a good joke, and can keep you laughing for hours.

Kili: He was known as the young, rambunctious one of the group. And you were his main accomplice. You two were always joking around, much to Thorins disapproval.

E - Enemies

Frodo: Frodo's main enemy is himself. He is constantly battling his own mind and is very restless after the destruction of the One Ring.

Thorin: Thorin's main enemy, of course, are the Mirkwood elves. His resentment towards the race only grows as time goes on.

Aragorn: Like Frodo, Aragorns biggest enemy is himself. He is always fighting his own insecurities and doubts as a leader.

Well alrighty then. Just wanted to try this out. Let me know if I should continue. If so, what should each letter represent?? Comment ideas! And as always, requests are open and encouraged.

Hope you have a lovely day darlings!

-Miss O

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