Untitled Part 9

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Finally, I'm back to the industrial city of Aeston. And.... Hmm. My clothing still looks just as plain as before. I was hoping it'd be much cooler then my plain jane set of clothes Michael got me to wear. I guess it will have to do, since it matches the culture of the town anyway, but interesting what that portal did to my staff. It has turned it to what appears to be cast iron metal and my orb on the top seems to be replaced with Compact fluorescent lamp of some kind; I hope it's strong enough to handle my magic energy. I looked at Ko and Fo, and I was shocked at what they was wearing! How come they got the more classy looking clothes then me? Ko dressed in (___) and Fo was dressed in (___). What must I get the plain clothing? Why? Fashion gods, why do you hate me so? I deeply sighed and figured it doesn't matter, cause I'm here to see my boyfriend, Kenny, and I hope he's not in trouble again with anyone. Trouble seems to follow him a lot. I hope he'll still love me even though I'm a guy now.

I feel more happy as a guy now, and, I must say, looking at myself, I feel more sexy as a guy. Heh. How can he not love me? But, wait, does that mean he's now gay? I mean, he's bisexual, and to me that's just odd to seemly be able to switch between- Huh? Ko called for my attention and she asked,"Where is his home, Sir Andie? We must hurry or we might get attacked out here in the open like this in this area.". I would say not at this hour cause most would be in the factories, but since the economy round hear not been doing well, I've been seeing people fighting and rummaging for food in the alleys lately. It's almost worst at our apartment and we barely got enough to survive on beans and mash potatoes. It's just luck that Kenny's fighting styles are good and he seems to win all the time, but last time he seem to be slipping; getting too cocky as well.

Fo must've noticed me in thought and asked,"Sir, what troubles you, and why are we dressed like this?",then, I said,"We are in the Aston City; a poor and run down place where most of the once rich come to for food and comfort. From what I understand from Kenny, this place used to be very busy and used to produce lots of material for cities outside the town, but it seems the economy of this place went down, but don't know why. I don't think much on since we are on avenge with our spending.",then, Ko looked to me and asked,"Why don't you live with Neci and her family? They will gladly allow you join them. You saw how they helped you.". Hmm. Well, that's not a bad idea, and they are wealthy. We wouldn't- Wait. What about my people from Whitehorn Village? What will they say about me being a man and in love with a bisexual? Hmm. Why does this have to be so hard? I thought discovering myself would make things easier; not worst!

Fo looked at me looking abit upset and said,"You didn't answer my question, Sir."then, I said,"It's just what people here wear, Fo. Lot's of wealthy people used to live here, and some still do, but some are hanging by a thread ever since the economy of the city went down. Lot's of jobs also went under, too.". Ko looked at me a bit befuddled and asked,"You mean like the great depression, Sir Andie?",then, I thought about it a sec, then said,"Yes, Ko. It is."then, Fo looked at me and asked,"We time traveled to 1929?",and, I looked at him a bit perplexed, and said,"Impossible, Fo.",but, he and Ko both looked at me serious stone faces at my comment. But, It's true! Time travel is impossible. Though, looking at how I just made a portal to this world, I see how they are skeptical of my comment, but I explained to them,"Look, even at Whitehorn, no one in my village was able to time travel with magic. Most of the elders said that it is the power of dark arts, and could cause rips through time, and destroy life as we know it.".

They looked at each other then started to pace around a bit. Why would anyone want to go through time anyway? Why change things when there's a possibility it would make things worst? We don't have time for this! We need to get to Kenny. I need to see him. I decided to go on ahead and as I figured they followed.

I finally made to Kenny's home, which has seen better days and that tells me he hasn't had the time or money too fix it up. I hope he won't be shocked by my identity. I knocked at the door and then heard a voice at the door,"Go away! Ain't no one taking my home from me!". Huh? Who was taking the house from us; the collectors? I decided it was best to appear as a image to him instead of breaking or unlocking the door; last time I did that he unexpectedly punched me and he is a very good hitter. I looked for him and saw he was  sitting on the couch in the living room; looking like he was about to pounce someone. I tried to talk to him,"Kenny? Kenny, are you ok?"then, he looked up at me and said,"Violet? Wait. Who are you? You can't be Violet. She doesn't dress like that. Are you a ghost?"then, I said,"No, Kenny. It's me. I'm at the door!". He suddenly rushed for the door and saw me, and he stared at me for a few seconds then, he started to cry. "W-Why, Violet?"he asked me as he crying in tears, took a big hold of me,"Why did you have to be gone so long? They almost try to take me away again!", and as he held me, Fo looked at me curiously and asked,"What  is he talking about, Sir?"then, Kenny at him, then at me, and asked,"Sir? What does he mean, Violet?"and, I looked away a lil feeling scared, but knew I had to tell me, and he looked at my clothes, then he asked,"Y-You're a guy, Violet?",and I said,"Well, I am mentally. I'm transgender, Kenny. I'm a guy. I was never a woman.".

He stared at me a very confused and blank stare at me, and I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed him closely and kissed him lovingly, and he held me close. He slowly held his arms around me; holding me while kissing, and after a few seconds, he looked at me and said,"Well, you still kiss like my lovely Violet, so you must be her.",and, I blushed a lil, but, can't believe I can still blush. Men don't blush! "So, Violet."he started to say, but, then Ko said,"It's Sir Andie Von Conventional, Sir Kenny.",then he said,"Andie, huh? Well, you even have a new name for yourself, Violet.". I'm happy he seems to be accepting me, but I wish he would call me by my new name. I feel uncomfortable being called Violet now. I'm not that anymore! I slightly looked away sadly, and he said lightly pushing my head to view him,"Hey. What wrong, Violet?"then, I said,"I'm Andie, Kenny. I'm not Violet no more. Please call me by my name.". He looked at me a lil confused, then said,"You mean you're now... gay, Violet?",then, Ko said,"Andie! He's name is Andie! Be respectful to your boyfriend!", and I quickly looked at her and worried that would upset Kenny, but he looked at her, and asked,"Vio-... Andie, who are these two with you?",then, I said,"They are my bodyguards, hun. The princess commanded them to follow me."then, he looked at me a bit shocked, then asked,"You met a princess? Where?",then, I decided to explain that has happened to me in the past few weeks, and he held me close and said,"This is great news, Vi- I mean, Andie. Now we can live in a real home. We can get outta this desolate and gloomy town. Wait. W-Will they accept me, Andie? I'm bi.",then, I said,"Neci is bi, Ken. Also, the two main aristocrats who live with her are a gay couple. You don't have to worry about her judging us, hun. The royal family are very open mined."then, I took hold of his hands and said,"If they let us, we can finally have a home to us and maybe get married. We'll be together forever".

I smiled and he kissed me, and said,"Well, if they do that means we can finally be away from the collectors."then, Fo said,"Sir, what are these collectors?"then, Kenny explained,"After things started to get worst, people was trying whatever they could to get the taxes that people couldn't pay for. So, they created these machines called the collectors to ransack people's home of money; some even went as far as commit identity-thief. After awhile, many who was luckily to have money to spend left the area, while other died from either starving, fighting the collectors, or suicide. There's nothing left for us here.". Kenny is right. Even if we could find anything, what worth would it be with everybody gone. Also, I wonder what will my people say when I return and what will they say about Kenny, then, Kenny held my hand and asked,"Hun, what are you thinking?"then, I said,"I wonder if I should return home to Whitehorn and see my people.",but then Kenny said,"Vi- I mean, Andie, you told me you have no friends or family there. Why would you want to return to a place you feel no warmth from?",then, I thought about it, and with exception of ones I met who was taught under the old white mage there, I don't really have any friends or family at the village. I kinda kept to myself most of the time, then I decided to leave after White Mage felt I had finished my studies.

I looked at Kenny and smiled, then said,"Let's go to the The Royals and see if they'll let us live with them."then, Kenny smiled and softly kissed me.

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