Untitled Part 6

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A few weeks has gone by, and my training for magic has been rough to say the least. Neci is trying to teach me how to clear my mind and focus my energy in each spell, but it seems so hard with all the things I've been worried about lately. Also, there's their head chef, Felix Ambrogio, seems to be just as odd as John. He's teaching me how to cook as a Sous-chef, so I can help along. He's a bit odd, just like John, and seems to be gay 'cause John and Felix been dating for a long time, but never really make it public; don't know why. They seem pretty open minded about everything here. So, why are Felix and John keeping it secret? Neci says it's just a silly game they've decided to play and see if anyone in the kingdom can figure out that they are dating, though everyone kinda figured it out days or a week before hand.

It's funny watching those two get almost the whole town getting into partying in the middle where the park is; it seems to always starts with getting the kids to play while John plays the guitar and Felix plays flute, then by the time it gets to be noon, there's a big party with singing and dancing, with some drinking. They all seem to always have a good time partying until the sun starts to set, and by that time John and most of them have passed out from drinking; John really loves that wine he makes and loves drinking it. I asked why doesn't Felix ever drink, and he said,"Well, someone has to be sober enough to carry this heavy guazzabuglio di un uomo. If not me, then who else? Besides, though he's not gay, I do love him. I know that may seem odd, Signior Andie Von Conventional, with him being straight and all, but that doesn't stop us from loving each other.".

I lightly chuckled a at the idea, but I guess he's right. Though it still sounds a lil odd to me that a straight person can love a person of their gender. Though, living in this kingdom and what's happened to me since I've been here, I've seen weirder things happen; I mean, besides John and Felix running and skipping around in blue dresses around town. Other than that, this town seems pretty... normal. I sometimes walk through town, still wonder if anyone notices I'm actually a woman, but so far, it seems everyone just assumes I'm just a girlish looking man. Interesting no one thinks that of Neci, but then Neci is obviously a woman and bisexual, and Tendance and Sharon are homosexuals, but what does that make John? Maybe he's secretly bi-curious, and won't admit it? No, that can't be it. They are all pretty open about who they are and what they do, but then what could it be? There's also that mystery about why there's no transgenders or transsexuals in this town. Hmm. Very weird.

I decided it was best to ask Neci, since she seems to closest to her Father and I assume she's been here the longest as an outsider. Neci has us train at night since it be quieter, but she quickly realized I had something on my mind before we even started, then she asked,"Is something wrong, Sir Andie? You seem troubled by something.". I waited a few seconds, then I asked,"Don't you already know? You can read minds." then, she said,"No. I don't read the minds of people I trust. Besides, I'd rather hear you say it yourself.". I looked at her for awhile, then with a deep sign said,"I'm still thinking about yesterday. I wonder why there seem to be no trans-genders in the kingdom. It worries me greatly, cause your Father and Mother seem so kind and nice. I can't see anyone ever hating them.". "That's why after yesterday I started to go into investigating.,"She said and took out some books and notes in folders.

"W-What's all this?", I asked, looking lil shocked at how much investigating she must've been doing, then she said, pointing at the folders,"I went into the mansion archives to see if there was anything that happened in the past in this house's history, and I went to the older parts of the towns library and tried searching the city hall archive, and I found that this land used to be own by a ruthless couple called Bessie and Hank Fatality. It seems that they were ruling this place with an iron fist, and scared and tortured a lot of people of this land. Hmm.". As I listened to her talk about these dictators, I thought about the people of this kingdom, and if it's possible that the people still feel the fear of the previous rulers.

I helped Neci look through the research and read about some gruesome stuff these rulers did to the people; especially the LGBTs. I was in shock, but then I noticed Neci was starting to have a shaky hand and saw her about to cry blood again. I had to act fast! I hugged and said,"It's ok, Neci. They got gone now. Look! Your Father and Mother raised against The Fatalities and band everyone together to rebel against them.". I tried to cheer her up and show her that the terror was over, but then she said as she looked at me with blood red eyes of hate,"But, why did it take Father so long to help them? It said here that it took they 5 years before they rebelled against them, and by that time, most of the homosexuals and a lot of the transsexuals were murdered by The Fatalities and their soldiers! Why? WHY!". Suddenly, a voice behind us said,"Because, I had to first gain Bessie and Hank's trust before I could start the rebellion.".

We looked behind us and saw Kinny, and Neci growled like a demon dog and yelled,"Why did you let them die!?" then, Kinny smacked her, and I gasped in shock at Kinny hitting his own daughter,"I had no choice, Neci! If I had started the rebellion before I had their trust, and gotten into the castle, they all would've died; not just the LBGTs, but everyone in the kingdom! They were planning to use us as animals and hunt us down for sport!". Quickly, I got between them and said,"Hey! Hey! Wait a minute here! Kinny, who was this couple? I've never heard any of you mention this."then, Neci said in a slightly calmer but still demonic tone,"Probably wanted to cover it up so no one can know the horror.". I looked back at Neci, then Kinny said,"No, my dear daughter. It's easily readable in our history books in the schools or here in the liberty. It's just that no one remembers that day now. Most of the original ancestors have long died or left after the day it happened. I was voted as king by the new and young people of that time and I did what I could to fix everything; even letting LBGTs get married where they want. But, some still feared us as rulers and most figured that I'd rise to power and become corrupt as they did. But, as far as I can tell, The Fatalities wasn't corrupt, they were just monsters. As I listened and watched them torment peopl-", then, I decided to leave and let them handle this on their own.

I'm not getting involved with their personal affairs. I looked for The Von Skulls and Micheal feeling like they the only ones I can talk to right now, and they seem like the only ones I can handle right now. I looked through the mansion looking for them, but they seemed to be nowhere in sight. Hmm. With staff in hand, I tried to focus my energy into finding them. Seems John is back in the wine room making his wine and starting to make beer and whiskey it seems. Interesting, but he is such a heavy drinker; I sometimes worry for his health. I see Micheal with Lynn talking about important things, but, I ca- Wait! I should summon them! They need to stop this or else someone might get hurt!

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