Untitled Part 8

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"What?!"I said to the vampire princess in shock,"Why are you sending my daughter out with the magic one instead of me? I can handle things better and I'm stronger then her!"but, then Ko said to me,"What! Father, I can handle things on my own. I'm not a baby! I'm a adult. "but, I quickly said,"A young adult and still not able to—",but, then the vampire princess asked,"Wait, Fo! What makes you think she is not capable of handling things on her own? You was taught by the guardian, yes?"then, I said,"Yes. Master taught well and many things, but—"then, I turned back to Ko and said,"She is not trained for a journey like this; especially for a woman like her." The vampire princess gave me a serious stare and said,"HE is good enough to be protected by either of you! Why are you disobeying my orders?"then, I said,"Because that is my daughter you're sending out there, your highness! She could hurt or killed by some... some.. monster! Or..".

"Hold it, sir."said the magic one, and I looked at her, and she said,"Why can't she be my protector? Do you have something against me?",then, I walked to her with her hands behind her back, and her standing firm, then said,"I have against some strange and unknown person I've never seen taking my daughter away from me!"then, she looked at me confused, and asked"What do you mean, Sir Fee? I have no desire to take away anyone. I just want to know who I am."then, we stared at each other for a few seconds before she said,"Is this guardian the same one who tried to teach me about my identity?"then, I looked at her curiously, then Ko came to her, and asked,"You met our Master, Mr Conventional?"then, the magic one said as I kept an eye on her,"If you mean the lonely old one in the forest, then, yes, Ko. I have met your Master, but, I must say, he is hard to understand or even deal with. Also, there's an elf king out there!"then, Ko said,"Yes, Mr Conventional. We've met King Para. But, what happen to Master? Did he fail to help you?"then, the vampire princess spoke,"Yes, Ko. I'm to say that he has failed to help Andie. In fact, if I haven't stepped in he possibly could've made it worst for Andie.".

Interesting. Master failed at helping someone? That is a shocking thing to hear. Master said he had helped many people find their way, but has he ever helped a person like this... Andie before? I must know what she is, so I looked at her and asked,"What are you, magic one?". She looked at me looking a lil mad, but why? What did I say? "Ko!"suddenly, The King spoke,"You are disrespecting our guest! He is a transgender, if you must know! A person who feels they are not the gender they are born with. Andie here feels he is a man; not a woman.". I looked at the magic one, but I didn't understand how could she be a man. I understand homosexual, bisexual, and pan sexual, but this.. transgender thing I don't understand.

I looked at the king and princess, and standing firm, I said,"If she's going with her— Him, then I'm going too!". The princess then said,"Fine! Fine! Whatever, Fo. If you feel you have to be by your daughters side, then go."then, the queen said,"Are you sure that is wise, Neci? I feel one of them—"then, she interrupted her,"Mother, he's being stubborn! I have a kingdom to run, and I'm not in the best of health! We'll be at this till the cows come home. So, if he feels he needs to be with her, then fine, but, he better protect both his daughter and Andie with his life. Or, else I will charge him treachery and have him executed.". What! What did— Wait! What is she doing? I saw the magic one speak to the princess,"Neci, why are you doing this? Maybe it should b-",then, she said,"My decision is final, Andie. Are you gonna argue with me too?"then, the king spoke,"It best you go, Andie. As you saw, she's not in the best condition, and needs time with her family. I'm sorry for this inconvenience, but we have things to talk about and things to deal with in the kingdom.". And, I was about to say something, but then the magic one said while bowing,"I understand, Your Majesty. I wish you my blessings. Get well, Lady Neci. Thank you for the help.".

I saw Neci lightly smile at her, and she walked by us; ordering us to follow her. Just as we walked out of the kingdom, I then asked the magic one,"So, where do we go, magic one?"but, she said,"Where ever my heart leads me, Sir Fo. And, my heart says we head this way."but, before she walked off I had to say something,"Look.. Sir Andie. I—"suddenly, Ko said,"Father! You said his name!",and I looked at Ko a lil confused at her reaction. Haven't I said people's names before? Anyway, I said,"Look, Sir Andie. I don't really understand this... transgender thing you're going through. How can you be a guy? You don't even have... certain of men's features."then, she said,"I may not look totally like a man, Ko, but, I am a man. I was just born in the wrong body.". Curious I started to ask more questions,"What do you mean born in the wrong body? Master never talked about this with us. He only talked to us about homosexuals.". Then, Ko said,"Father, is it possibly Master meant all types? What makes Sir Andie different from a homosexual? They too want to be treated fairly as them. ".

Hmm. Master did say these people do get treated harshly just for being who they are, but why? But, Master never explained to me or Ko how can these people act the way they do. He only asked us if we see anything wrong in there actions, but before Andie came he, I would've thought no, but hearing that Master failed makes me question in his teachings. What if every he said was a lie? Ko took hold of my arm, and as I looked at her, she said,"Father, we can worry about what Master said later. We must first focus on helping Sir Andie. So, at your command, Sir. Where are we to go?". But, just as she was about to command us, she used her staff to create a portal. Ko excitedly asked,"Are we going to see Master, Sir Andie?"but, she said,"No, Ko. We going to see my boyfriend.".

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