Untitled Part 5

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We finally made it to the ball, and... everybody, so far hasn't even noticed that I'm transgender; well, at least not yet, I think, but no one seems to be questioning there's a woman in men's clothes here. I know it's a costume ball, but I'm still nervous of being found out here. Michael chose a simple retro looking vest and under red and striped shirt; I feel like a barbershop singer or a carnival barker. Also got me dressed in some casual pants and shoes, but why so plain? Michael said,"You don't wanna stand out too much, do you?" then I said,"Well, not really, but at the same time... Really? These plain clothes? Not even a suit like Neci wears? Or even your fancy business looking suit?". He said,"Well, Sir Andie Von Conventional unless you want to be stumbling around on in the great hall, we'll need to find clothes that can fit you. That's what we can do for you for now. Very last minute.". Hmm. I guess it will have to d- Wait a minute! What did he call me? I looked at Michael and asked, "Conventional?"then he looked at me and said,"Well, yeah. You say it's plain, so your name is plain." then, with my arms crossed and a slight annoyed raised eyebrow said,"Not exactly a plain name, Micheal. Who is ever named after a word?", then he puts a brown fedora and glasses on me, saying,"You are. Now, it's time to head to the ball!". He grabbed me by the hand and we ran off.

Meep! We stopped in front of the doorway that lead to the great hall where the ball was taking place, and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was terrified, but I had to control my nervousness and face my fear; hopefully the subjects will like me regardless of me being transgender. Michael greeted me through the door and I saw people in all kinds of clothing: retro style of I think the 1950s, but there was so many here. I looked about and I saw the royal family at the throne, and I smiled; happy to know that they are here to support me and this change im going through. I looked about and saw some people looking at me and started whispering. Uh oh, I was worried I might stick out like this, but then Micheal said in a loud and clear voice,"Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to introduce our newest member to the family. A young mage from far off lands who has come to the princess to learn magic. He will be staying with us as our guest, and possibly as a cook in training while he learns magic. Please, give our newest member a warm welcome.".

And with that, I heard everyone applaud me and I was shocked at how no one notice I was actually a woman; or even point and stare at me. I gave a big smile and I lightly bowed to the crowd tipping my hat to them. After the introduction, I walked to the royal family, as I was bowing to them, I said,"I am happy to be a part of this family; even if it is just temporary, your highness. And, thank you, Micheal for the introduction." then, he said bowing to me,"It was my pleasure, Andie.". "Andie?" Kinny said, in a surprised tone, then I looked at him, and said,"Yes, your highness, I mean, Kinny. Micheal has named me Sir Andie Von Conventional. A very boyish name, don't ya think?", then Lynn said,"Yes, It is, Andie. Very... man-ish, you might say. It's good you're giving yourself your own identity to be happy with. We will support you however we can, but my next question is, after Neci trains you in magic, will you be staying or going back home to your village?"then, I quickly went into thought and wondered if I should return home.

What if my village doesn't accept me and my change from to a man or what if they might try to kill me for being trans-gender? Micheal put his hand on my shoulder and as I looked at him, he said,"If you need protection from bullies, Sir Andie, we are here to help you. We will do our best to help your village understand why you feel the way you do." then, Neci chimed in and said,"And, if none of them wants you to live there, then screw them. You don't need to live in a world of hate just cause you are different from them. Live with us in peace.". I didn't know what to say! They were so opened and helpful to me and supported me so much. I... just had to cry. I fell to my knees and cry, but I quickly tried to hide my tears, then Neci said,"Hey, go ahead and cry, Andie. It's normal for a man to cry; shows they have a heart and is not a macho asshole. But, if you are going to be our cook, Andie, you will have to learn and work hard; same when I teach you magic.".

As I dried my tears and got to my feet, I nodded to Neci and said,"Yes, Lady Neci, I will work hard and listen to what you say. I must ask, Neci. I saw a statue that looks like the other staff you use with the name Laban Bell on it. Your highness, who was that? Was he important to the kingdom?,"and, I saw her face go very serious for a second, and she stood up and said trying to hold back her tears,"He... was my top guard and in some ways my mentor. We had our misunderstandings when we first met, but he protected me and taught me everything I know about magic. He...,"then, I saw Neci looking like she was about to cry what appeared to be blood, which I was shocked and asked if she was ok, then Kinny said,"It's normal, Andie. We all miss Sir Laban. He was a serious but caring protector of the kingdom and the royal family. Even helped Lynn and I when we were out on travels for trades before Neci and The Fee Family came here.". As I listened to them, I realized I must have hit a trigger to Neci; I feel sorry for bringing it up. I lightly bowed to her, and said,"I'm sorry, your highness if I've upset you. I didn't know it was someone close to the family.". As Neci was drying her tears, Lynn said,"He was a very protective man. He died trying to help test a cure for the were people who live miles east of our kingdom. They came here with John, Sharp, Sharon, and Tendance. We was lucky to find the cure in time before the whole village was consumed by the virus they called slime. He went into a empty dimension with one of the infected who came to Tendance, and fought his heart out to use the new cure. Unfortunately.... he didn't make it. He used up all his energy fighting the slime, but we had a cure and that's all that mattered.".

I looked at Neci, who still looked upset, so I went her and hugged her. I looked at Neci and said,"I'm sorry your highness. I didn't mean to upset you.", and she smiled as she dried her tears, and held me. "It's ok, Andie. I still hold his memory in my heart. But, enough with the sad stuff. We need to figure out what we need to teach you. What have your teachers back home taught you?".

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