BONUS 1 - 🍋

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Sub, Female anatomy ver.

"Can you believe it!" I laughed in victory as the guards led all of us to the front. "After all this time we're finally free, clean slate, brand new good life." My triumphant celebration was backed up by the fact that we were being let out after only six months on good behavior.

Everyone laughed and whooped in excitement around me. They were just as happy as me at the moment.

"Yeah man!" Piranha jumped onto shark. "Imma be catching up on everything when I get out!" He enthusiastically cackled.

Webs spoke up from her spot on wolf's shoulder "And I can't wait to see Diane again, not separated from us by bullet proof glass." She snickered.

"Same!" I laughed, and walked through a sires of doors to check out and grab my belongings. "Everyone, when we get to the city, push pops on me!" I announced making everyone go wild especially shark, snake too, in his own way. He was shaking the tip of his tale and licking his lips at the thought.

Soon, we were finally let outside only to be met by a bare desert. As we waited for Diane a took a breath and peered up to wolf.

"Well, you've sure been quiet." I said in a hushed tone up to him while intertwining his fingers with mine. Something we hardly got to do since we were locked up. Our relationship in prison was definitely hard but we managed to overcome it to this point, and the pay off is clear.

"Hah," he shrugged while squeezing my hand back. "I just can't stop day dreaming of how the good life will treat us." He almost whispered back.

I nodded with a smile. "I have a feeling it's going to treat us very well." I concluded, also looking to the obvious bright side.

After only a few more minutes of waiting Diane's car finally came flying down the road. We all cheered once again and hopped in while greeting her.


After about an hour of driving through the desert and into the city a concern suddenly crossed my mind.

"Hey, Diane?" I interjected whatever conversation she was having with another. She severed it short after she heard the pang of worry in my voice.

"Yeah, what's up y/n?" She asked.

"We'll, I haven't been paying my rent for the past six months,,, and on one else has a place that's legal to stay either.. so, well.." I trailed off at the thought. Every one else around me tensed at the point I just made, all except for Diane.

She smiled widely, with a chuckle. "I was hoping you'd bring that up." She said pulling under the bridge that led to The Bad Guys' old secret hideout.

"Wait.." Wolf's ears perked up.

"Everyone," she drove through the entrance and parked in front of the familiar rickety elevator. "I took the liberty to buy your old hideout, legally, and even renovated it up to code." She said with pride while pulling the keys out of her car and turning to face all of us. "Well, go ahead!" She said unbuckling and popping out of the car herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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