Dance with me

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Text that is written like this is singing btw

"Tempest? Hello?" A voice asked me beside my ear. My eyes fluttered open and looked to the voice that just woke me up.

I turned to see Marmalade standing beside the couch, trying to wake me up.

"Oh, hello and good morning Tempest! But, why aren't you in your room with the rest of the group? You know sharing living space is a lot like sharing push pops. It promotes-"

"Yeah whatever." I interrupted him. "What's for breakfast?"

"Oh, uh, avocado toast, but-" He went on.

"Yeah you don't need to make me a plate. Thanks anyway." I sat up and rolled my shoulders.

"Ah- well ok then.." he said slowly retreated.

I was left sitting on the couch in silence. I just sat there and let my eyes study Marmalade's big ass house.

I peacefully took my spot there before I heard someone slither onto the couch beside me.

I looked to see snake was on it too, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, because, well, he didn't despise me but I was sure he didn't exactly like me.

"Well we were all in the dining room eating breakfast when the pig told us you were quote, 'in a place of sadness' and wanted someone to cheer you up because it's to 'good' thong to do." He grumbled.

I looked at him in confusion for a sec "..and you volunteered to do it?"

"Hah! No! I don't volunteer for things. The only ones that did were Wolf and Shark but Marmalade made me because I needed to build a friendship with you or something stupid like that." He explained.

"Oh.. ok." I nodded and leaned back.

We both stayed quiet for a second before Snake talked again. "So why are you so pissed?" He asked. I gave him a look and he responded with "what? I'm curious now."

"Well," I huffed. "Marmalade. I heard him tell Wolf that he had more potential then the rest of us, that he'd need to choose to be good or his friends." I played with my hands as I told him.

His whole expression went from his normal one to a softened vision. "..Yeah. I heard them too. But- but last night me and Wolf talked about it. He said the plan wouldn't change. After this is all done we'll be the same bad guys."

"Yeah.." I nodded. "Say, when this is all over do you think.. Maybe I could join you guys?" I tentatively asked.

"Ahh,, I don't know." He shrugged. "You'd need to ask Wolf, he's kind of the leader." He started then looked to me with a funny kind of smile. "But between you and me, it'll be a yes. I mean he's crazy about you. He doesn't hide it well either."

My ears perked up when he told me that. "Really!?" I excitedly exclaimed before recontaining my composure. "I mean, yeah.. cool, that's cool." I nodded with a low voice.

Snake scoffed back a laugh and rolled his eyes.

He got off the couch, "pff, you two dorks are perfect for each other." He said as he started to slither away.

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