The Good Life

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After wolf left I wasn't sure what exactly to do. So after a while, I decided to try at follow him and listen to what he talks about to Diane.

I snuck around until I was at the front door, right behind them.

"..don't do it for them, do it for yourself. This is a way to write your own story. A chance to get a better life for your friends." Diane talked to him with a sense of gentleness in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Wolf sighed. "But it's too late now and you're calling the chief." He couldn't cover up the sadness in his voice.

"Mr. Wolf-" Diane started before he interrupted her.

"And you know what? One of them was actually trying back there. They were so devastated when you threatened to call the chief. Ok, so, yeah. Maybe we do deserve it. But leave y/- Tempest out of it, please." He explained and asked of her.

My heart fluttered out of my chest when I realized he was talking about me. He'd really give himself up to give me a fighting chance..?

Wow, didn't expect that.

"Humph." Diane let out. "Wolf, did you just make a sacrifice for your friend?" She asked with a small smirk.

Wolf's ears flipped up. "Wait, what?"

"Well, well, Mr big and bad, looks like you really have improved." Diane walked up to him and adjusted his bunny suit. "I believe you just passed my test."

With that she started to walk away and got into her car, rolling down the window. "Believe it or not, I'm rooting for you, wolf."

"So.. you're not going to call the chief?" Wolf asked in a relieved chalky voice.

"I'll see you at the gala." She rolled up her window and drove off into the night, leaving wolf standing out.

He didn't say anything or move. Just stood there for a few minutes.

I was about to get up out of hiding and just talked to him, but I was halted when I heard a small sharp meow from the tree from earlier today.

Wolf noticed too and didn't waist any time walking over to it. He stood at the base of the tree and looked up.

"I think we got off to a bad start. My names Wolf." He said and started to climb up the tree.

The cat on it meowed in fear and scooted back.

I took this chance to get out from behind the door and sneak over behind a tree to watch him more closely.

As he climbed closer the cat's shrieking only got louder.

"Heh, yeah. I get that a lot, first impressions and all." He said in I soft voice to try and settle the kitty down.

He cilmed further up, which scared the cat so much that it tried to run away, making it fall off the tree.

I gasped as she started to slip but luckily wolf caught her just in time. He leaned up and put her back on the tree. "It's ok, it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you. I know you're scared, I would be too, if I were you." His ears went down before he looked up again. "Just give me a chance?"

Mr. Wolf x reader Where stories live. Discover now