Heist of good(ish)

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(Next Day after last chap)

I looked out the car widow while studying every building, palm tree, and distant mountains in sight. I don't know if I can do this. Pretending to be good?

But my fear wasn't the Pretending, it was the possibility that Maybe.. maybe I wanted to be good.

What!? No! I shook my head. Come on
y/n, don't plant those things into your head.

"Hey?" A male voice asked from beside me and tapped my shoulder. I turn to see wolf looking back at me. "Are you good?"

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed and looked out of the window again.

"Look," he said at a low volume so nobody else could hear. "I know we just met, but we're on the same side hear. If you talk to me about something I won't bite." He continued. "9 times out of 10 anyway." He added in a joke.

I just nodded and sighed.

He took that as a sign to just give up for now.


We arrived at a giant white house on a cliff right next to the ocean. Man, I've got to admit I'm jealous of this pig.

We got out of the car and walked in through some gates.

"Aha, big and fancy!" Piranha yelled while spinning around looking.

Shark nodded, "Alright, rodent's got tast!"

"Almost makes me want to be cute." Snake scoffed.

"you and me both." I said gawking at the Serene white home.

We finally noticed Marmalade sitting at the top of a statue stand. "They say experience is the best teacher, and they're wrong. I am!" He said and everyone else turned to him. "good morning students of goodness, and welcome to the first day of the rest of your best life."

"A giant butt!" Piranha yelled and pointed at Marmalades lamp.

"Huh? Uh, it's-- it's not a butt. It's a lamp, in the shape of the love crater meteorite. My greatest-"

"I wander who's butt it is." Piranha interrupted.

"Uh- uhm. Once again, it is not a butt, thank you. It's a heart. Now as I was saying-" He continued before getting cut off again.

"Then why does it have cheeks?" He asked in response.

Everyone shushed him but I just laughed under my breath. They went bickering back and fourth about if it was a butt or not. Eventually Marmalade got fed up with it and just continued to the next topic. "Anyway- ehem, on the outside you're all villains. But on the inside there's a flower of goodness, just waiting to bloom, and when it does you'll feel the tingle of goodness inside you. And after you get it, you're going to want to feel it all the time." He explained.

As he did, I couldn't help but notice wolf leaning in to listen to him. As if he was captivated by his words.

"So we're going for a tingle?" Webs asked.

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