I'm Sorry.

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After the painfully long car ride we were transported to a boat and hauled off to the middle of the sea where the S.C.U.M prison unit was waiting for us.

After we finally docked they led us inside. As we walked through the halls shark sighed. "I can't believe we got double crossed by a tiny rodent."

Snake grumbled and nodded. "Oh, we got double crossed by a rodent, all right. But-ah, not a tiny one." He said looking over his shoulder to wolf.

"What?" Shark asked.

One of the cops grabbed snake as he started to talk. " this was supposed to be us conning marmalade. It turns out, it was Wolf conning us. Does that sound familiar to you, Wolf?"

"Why would you think that!?" Wolf asked and tried not to mind the person scanning him for weapons.

"Tch, oh, I don't know, Maybe because you just SABOTAGED the biggest Heist of our lives?" Snake yelled back. "I think you owe us an explanation, buddy."

He sighed and nodded as the cop pulled him forward. "Okay, you're right. Thus is what happened." He stepped in front of a Camara to take his mugshot. "Back at the museum, I just tried to steal an old lady's purse." He posed and the camera took I picture. "Classic snatching and grab."

"Tried to?" Webs asked from the counter. "since when do you try to steal something and not just steal it?"

"I was trying to steal the purse when the old lady fell and... I kinda helped her." He admitted while a guard shoved a prison jumpsuit into his hands to change into.

"What!?" Snake asked.

Wolf slid off his suit and put on the prison mandatory one. I looked away when he did, not exactly by choice. I was grabbed away to get my mugshot.

"I helped her." He repeated.

"Then you stole the purse?" I questioned in a sour tone as I got my picture taken.

"Ah, no, no. I didn't. I saved the old lady, and she hugged me, and my tail wagged, and I didn't know what it was, but it felt, uh, you know.. good." He shrugged.

They all gasped while I stayed quiet.

I mean.. I knew what he meant. He made me feel the exact feeling he's describing. But it doesn't mean I hate him any less right now.

Prison for life isn't worth some tail wag and tingles.

"Ahhh.." Piranha nodded. "But, then, you stole the purse?"

"No!" We all yelled to him at the same time.

"You know, I heard what the pig said to you about cutting us loose. Need more proof? Tempest heard it themself too." Snake said pointing to me.

"Wait." Shark looked to me with hurt on his face. "Like, 'us' us?"

I slowly nodded to confirm what Snake said.

Then Snake went on. "But I'd never thought you'd actually do it man."

"Wh- hey, hey hey hey. I would never.. I was trying to.. I was trying to find us a better life." He tried to make it well.

Mr. Wolf x reader Where stories live. Discover now