You meet for the first time/ He does something sweet (Harry) <2>

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so here it is !!! I am so glad I am getting more response on my original imagines than my 'shares' so I think I'll write more original!

enjoy this one x


You wake up early in the morning to hear soft knocks onto your hotel room door. You turn over, trying to ignore them, but they kept getting louder and more rapid. You sigh in annoyance, as you check your phone and realize its 8 am. You trudge across your room and fling the door open, squint at the intruder.

"Good morning, love," Harry Styles says, as he smiles at you.

You widen your eyes in shock, before you realize how terrible you must look, just rolling out of bed. You mumble a morning greeting back, before moving a side to let him in.

You rub your face from the sleepiness and walk to a chair across your messy bed and sit on it, intertwining your hands together and looking down at your lap.

"Aren't you going to ask what I'm doing here, 8 in the morning?" Harry asked, slightly chuckling, as you look at him, while he sat on your unmade bed, slightly jumping up and down to test its bounciness. His eyes perk up in amazement, as his body is immediately sent upwards by the springs of the bed.

"I wanted to take you out," Harry says, stopping and watching you closely.

"O-Okay, but why so ear-why are you staring at me?" You interrupt yourself, as you look up and find Harry's green eyes fixated on you.

"You look pretty when you wake up. I think I'll do it more often," Harry replies, sending your stomach into flips and your heart races faster, as heat rises to your cheeks.

"Erm, why so early?" You say, after clearing your voice, making Harry chuckle.

"Well, there aren't much people around early in the morning, so we won't get mobbed," Harry explains and you nod, before standing up to go to the bathroom to get ready.


After you had showered, picked out clothes, according to Harry's choices, you now sat in front of the dresser to do your makeup and hair.

"Why do girls even bother with this shit?" Harry groaned, as he watched you file through your makeup products to find the right one.

"To feel good about themselves, I guess," You shrug, as you started applying concealer to the spots on your face.

"Wait," Harry spoke, before getting up from your bed and rushing eagerly towards the dresser, where you were sitting.

"What-" You were about to ask, before you were caught by surprise at Harry's action: He had your face cupped in between his hands, as his eyes stared directly at yours.

"Haven't you been sleeping?" He asks, as he eyes the dark circles beneath your eyes, but your mind was not focusing on his question, but on how close you were to his lips, as his minty breath fanned your face.

"I.." You didn't know what to reply, as you felt Harry suddenly lean in closer, but you knew this was wrong.

"I need to get my makeup done," You blurt out, before turning around and slightly tugging Harry's hands away from you.

"R-Right," Harry says, clearly hurt, but you couldn't allow him to develop feelings for you. You weren't the right person for him, which broke your heart everyday ever since you met him.

You watch though the mirror's reflective surface, as Harry trudges back into your bed and buries his head underneath your pillow. You feel like going to him and kissing him, but you knew you couldn't do it.

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