12| reaching the right arm

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As it turned out for the group, Bertha was a car that Marcus had named and Jorge had been able to get it, even though Marcus had protested against it

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As it turned out for the group, Bertha was a car that Marcus had named and Jorge had been able to get it, even though Marcus had protested against it. The sun was shining down on the many people within the sandy world now called the Scorch, slowly beginning to set as the nighttime sky was ready to replace the usual bright blue sky for the time being, showing that the night was coming like usual. The sound of a vehicle engine could be heard as it moved closer and closer in the direction of the mountains where they hoped the Right Arm would be and they would get help from hiding from WICKED.

Jorge stopped the car when they saw many abandoned vehicles in different spots, preventing them from driving forward. They knew they would be on foot before Jorge had even announced it. Grabbing the things they'd need, the group were moving forward and past the abandoned cars, some checking to see what it's inside in case if there was anything that would be useful for them. Staying close to her sister, Y/n had her hands in her pockets of her jacket as she looked through a car while taking a glance over her shoulder. Her gaze stopped on Thomas, remembering when she saw Brenda kiss him.

At the memory, she glanced towards the said girl before looking back at her boyfriend, seeing he was already staring at her and she quickly looked away when they made eye contact. All of a sudden, a gunshot ringing through the air had the group jumping while they quickly hid behind the vehicles they had been standing near, Y/n finding herself crouched in between Minho and Newt, as she had walked to them, ducking her head and placing her hands on top in case if a bullet where to wheeze right by the three of them while they hid behind a car.

"Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Thomas calls out.

"We're fine." Teresa calls back.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt questions.

Hoping to catch a glimpse of anyone who was shooting at them, Y/n moves her back away from the vehicle, still crouching as she peaks over a bit while moving her gaze around. However, she didn't see anyone around. Just when a bullet hit the vehicle a couple inches in front of her, she was moving back down while Newt and Minho quickly pulled her back down before she could get hit, bullets hitting the car they were behind and the one Thomas and Jorge were hiding behind together, the brunette having done the same as his girlfriend.

"Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge instructs.

This had the three teenagers exchanging a glance, deciding to do as he says as they get ready to run. However, when an unfamiliar voice calls out the words 'drop it', they look behind them to see two girls wearing masks with the bottom half of their faces covered, guns in their hand. One had blonde hair, the other had black hair. Thomas and Jorge stood up from their hiding spots, arms raised up in surrender as they took steps back when the black haired girl shouted for them to do so, casting her gaze to three just behind Thomas and Jorge.

Y/n rose her arms up, still standing in between Minho and Newt as they walked forward a bit while the blonde had aimed her gun at the Teresa, Brenda, Frypan and Aris who were all hiding together behind another abandoned vehicle. None of them seemed to notice as the black haired girl had kept her gaze lingering on Aris, brows furrowing. When she called out his name, they all looked to the same boy just when she grabbed ahold of the bandana around her face, pulling it down to reveal the rest of her face, showing the shock.

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