7| saying goodbye

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The sun was up, shining down on the sandy world that was full of abandoned buildings that had fallen over, the glass windows being broken everywhere

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The sun was up, shining down on the sandy world that was full of abandoned buildings that had fallen over, the glass windows being broken everywhere. The bright blue sky had replaced the dark, nighttime sky while the sun had replaced the moon's spot, the heat-ness of it now scorching down on the deadly creatures and the last survivors all around. The occasional wind blew by in the air, causing the sand all around on the ground to do the same from how strong the air around it was, getting in any lasting survivors eyes if they could be seen outside in the hot and abandoned Scorch.

Y/n woke up to the sound of shouting, e/c eyes opening as she watched Thomas scare a bird, that had been poking through one of their bags, away, his shouts no doubt waking everyone else up. The girl moved her head up a bit, letting it hover above her bag as she looked around. As they others did the same, Thomas stood up to his feet while looking around in search of the creatures, none of them hearing their gargles and screeching anymore, making them hope that they had all ran off while the group had fallen asleep in their hiding spot all throughout the darkness of the nighttime.

"Are they gone?" Newt questions.

Thomas nods, glancing around. "Yeah, I think we're safe for now. Okay, we should get moving."

Even if they didn't wanna move from their laying positions, they all knew that he was right and should get moving, considering they were still close to the place they had escaped from. Thomas bent down and grabbed his bag, glancing at his girlfriend to see she was wiping the sleep from her eyes before she followed in suit. As they all got to their feet, Winston let out a grunt of pain when he had tried to do the same, a bandage having been wrapped around his torso while they were hiding, blood seeping through it. Noticing this, Frypan helped the boy up to his feet by grabbing his hand.

Seeing they were all ready to go, the group were climbing up the debris and as they got up to the top, their eyes widened at the sight of the Scorch. The buildings were still standing tall, some leaning against others as no sign of life could be seen. They could only imagine what happened to this world and the people living in it that weren't part of WICKED. While they were looking around, they continued trenching forward, fascination in their gazes from the sight. This was completely different from the maze, something they never thought they'd see.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan speaks up after a while.

"I don't know. It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt points out.

Aris sighs. "I hope the whole world's not like this."

"Woah. Hang on, stop." Thomas calls out as he stops in his tracks, making the others do the same. "Do you hear that?"

Moving their curious gazes away from the brunette, the group found themselves looking around as they tried to listen closely to what he was hearing. For a couple of seconds, all Y/n heard was the wind until a loud and echoing whirring sound filled her eardrums, just like everyone else's. This had her eyes widening in realization as she made eye contact with Thomas.

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