1| going somewhere better

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The screams and shouts of the crowd full of people were loud

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The screams and shouts of the crowd full of people were loud. It was dark, the night sky high up, replacing the original bright blue sky as the scorching sun shined down on the many people trying to get to safety. Bright lights had been placed all around, a fence having been put day way before to block the crowd of people inside as they tried to get to the front. Many people in the crowd were wearing masks, covering up their nose and mouth as their breathes hit against the fabric with every shout they take.

By the front and all around on the sides, men in gas masks and some in just regular masks could be seen as they held weapons in their hands, the guns being held tight in their glove covered grips as their eyes all looked over and around at the crowd of people.

Some held leaches that were attached to dogs, the animals barking loudly at the crowd, adding more noise to their shouts as they tried to get themselves or some with children to safety before anything dangerous would happen. Their world was already falling apart, they didn't wanna their children or themselves to live like this for the rest of their lives and they the parents knew these people would keep their children safe. Or, at least, that's what they hoped they do so their children could live.

A train could be seen moving throughout some underground tunnels. Inside, sat many kids with some guards standing around as they kept eye an on the kids, making sure they weren't trying anything. However, the kids didn't say a word as they sat in the seats they had been led to and away from their parents. Two girls could be seen in a seat together, one looking a bit older than the other as she kept a grip on her little sister's hand. The youngest sister's e/c eyes looked around at all the kids, a frown on her small face as she stayed close to her older sister.

Her eyes met a guard's, considering at least two guards sat near her and her sister before she looked away and her eyes met a pair of brown ones. A boy sat across from her in the cart they were in that was a part of the train, his dark gaze having been on her previously as she had seemed to have caught his attention. However, smiles didn't lay on their lips as they just stared at one another with almost blank expressions, their lips turning downwards into frowns every few seconds that passed. They didn't know where they were going, but they both wished their parents were with them. At least the girl had her sister.

She remembered how her sister would keep her in one part of the house they lived in when their mother, the only person they had in their lives, had gotten sick and locked up in another room, just hoping that she would get better over time. She remembers how she'd hug her pillows or her sister late at night when she tried to sleep as their mother made awful sounds that neither of them liked, the sounds having turned into screaming as time had passed.

Then she remembered how her sister had checked up on their mother when the screams stopped, leaving no noises for them to hear and when she hadn't heard anything when she had gone to see what happened to their mother, the woman had been reassuring her eldest daughter that the visions were gone. She was better after she'd taken care of them. After she had taken her eyes out and wasn't able to see her daughters in front of her, only hear their voices.

The e/c eyed girl had looked away from the brunette boy after they had been staring at each other for about almost a minute and she looked down at her small legs that were swinging back and forth on the seat. It was then that she felt a hand on her shoulder, a hand larger than her sister's and it had her looking up. The familiar blonde woman sat in the seat beside her, her signature white outfit different from everyone else's as she wore red lipstick, her blonde hair falling down near her shoulder. Ava Paige gave the girl a soft smile as she gently squeezed her shoulder.

"Y/n... it's okay." Ava whispers.

The girl continued to stare at the woman as she leaned back in her seat, giving the young girl a soft and reassuring smile as the girl's older sister squeezed her hand. Looking away from the woman, the girl let herself move closer and closer to her sister, even if she was already close enough as it is as the pair of brown eyes were still on her as she rested her head on her sister's shoulder, hoping that this place would be good and she'd make good friends and stay close to her sister.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑, 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗌Where stories live. Discover now