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We all wear marks, don't we? I know we do. By masks I don't mean the medical masks, but the one that lives on you, feeds on you and slowly alters your inner self. The mask of pretence, of protection and of survival. As the world outside envisages to be brutal with every passing day, we need to put the mask on to protect ourselves from its blows. Remember when you laughed with all your heart? Do you remember the last time you met people, as you?

Fake it till you make it, is the only way out. People like us who wear masks so as to stop anyone from penetrating deep within us form shell that protects us from the harsh realities of life. But, the question is, why do we wear masks? The world is not a fair trade. Sometimes to win, you lose, you lose yourself,your family ,your friends and everything you once held dear. Love in a world that knows nothing but pleasure, cannot exist. Some people wear these, to protect themselves, while some to prey. Not all the people whom we come across will ever be what you see them to be. Some will, dressed in the skin of a friend, backstab you as a foe, while some to begin as foe, will make you realise the fakeness of the mask. A world of today doesn't show it's true self often.They are well pretenders, who can pretend for very long. They won't disclose at your confrontation but will slowly poison the essence of your being, your existence. We know, we must endure to be a better human showing empathy and humanity towards our fellow mates, but what happens then when being good costs you only pain and sufference.

A mask in the hospital might save you from contagious diseases, an oxygen mask might bring you back to life but once you come in contact with mask that human's wear, its impossible to get out from its grip. You might wear it for the first time under the pretext of protection but soon you wear it everyday. You forget how to fight. You forget how to live. You forget how to wear. You become shelled that becomes impossible to get into. In a world where everyone forms shells, will we be ever be able to seek love, sympathy and oneness? We turn against ourselves and yet blame one another for lack of warmth. Humans are the most intelligent animal. If intelligence leads to a world where no one speaks themselves, their true selves, forgets how to fight and how to live from inside out, I barely would call them intelligent. A mask is respectful as long as one does good to others with it. A mask that slowly cuts you off and leaves you lonely should be disposed off real soon.

I , myself wear mask of pretence, by showing how happy I am, when am sad, how it doesn't bother me when I am affected the most. Doing this, I find myself isolated and helpless and the guilt of not opening up hurts. People do seek help. But it's all a game of masks. Your hands are left tied. You don't make a move. Unless you try to grow strong, capable enough to live without the mask but you can't. Life is too short to have regrets. Tearing off the masks and signing the deal with one's true self is the best we can ever do. Masks no doubt protect you but at the same time it does erases the one, your mother gave birth to. The orginal you ceases to exist. Choose wisely. Use your mask wisely. Who knows when you cross the line and become a predator from a prey.

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