Chapter 4:

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Gabriella POV.

We have been driving for two hours now and we haven't come across a town. Mom hasn't talked to me since and it makes me shiver because of the thought that she might be blaming me.

It's not your fault. Love said but that didn't satisfy me.

I really wish I could get to know how to get rid of her.

"How are you feeling baby?" Mom asked and I looked at her happily.

"I am fine, mom," I replied.

"Are you still in pain?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I bet I was in pain because of the transformation," I answered.

"Well, that's great. As soon as we see a hotel, we will stop by and have some rest," she said.

"Okay," I said with a yawn.

The fact that I am a hybrid means I am so powerful. Of course, I have had rumours about Klaus but knowing that I am a hybrid just like him makes me feel superior. He may be an original vampire but I am a descendant of the original werewolf. Cliche. We are going to have a new start, a new life and there is no way I will let anyone talk to me rudely. I will show them who I am.

"It's like we have gotten into a town," mom said, getting my attention.

Who would have thought that to get to a nearby town one drives for two and a half hours? So interesting. I looked out of the window and saw a post with the word lounge.

"Mom, I think we can sleep there?" I said as I pointed.

"Thanks, honey. I can see you are doing your job well," she said and I rolled my eyes, making her laugh.

"Let me park and then we can go in," she said.

After parking, we got some of our bags out and walked into the lounge.

"Good evening, how are you?" An elderly woman said.

"Good evening too. We were just passing by when it got late. Is there any room we can get to stay for the night, then we will continue with our journey tomorrow?" Mom asked.

"Ooh, dear. I am really sorry for that but yes, there are two rooms vacant," she said.

"Well then. Gaby, it seems we found ourselves somewhere to spend the night," mom said, making the woman turn to me.

After filling in the forms, we were given our room keys and showed where they were.

I am so tired right now, I don't even think I got the energy to have a shower but whom am I kidding? I have to. I smell like shit and also the fact that I have a unique smell makes it even worse. I have to get a shower and later mask my scent.

Taking my clothes off, I walked to the bathroom and had a shower. The place may seem old from the outside but when you get in, it's where you learn to never judge a book by its cover. The place is so modern. I have lived my entire life in the coven so I don't know a lot of things or have seen. After using the shampoo which I found there to clean my hair, I got a bath. The soap smelt awesome, but I need to know which it is so that I can be using it.

Love, you better remind me to ask.


After having a shower, I got out and wiped myself then wore my pyjamas. As soon as I laid on the bed, darkness overcame me.

The next morning.

"Baby. Wake up," I heard mom's voice but there is no way I am going to wake up right now.

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