Chapter 1-In the Beginning

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It was never my idea to do this. I never wanted to fight my way through something, just so I could get what I want or whatever. It was more for stress relief. Wrestling is something I find intriguing. I find that it makes me stronger in what I do in life. Wrestling was something I didn't quite find interesting. Well to be honest, it is still a mystery to me. Now I just can't seem to stop wrestling. I do it for me and know that I gain strength; not only physical strength but mental strength as well. However sometimes I find myself scared. Its like I cannot go through the fight, but yet I still go through with it no matter what. You want to know my story, well here it goes. I will tell you my story for which wrestling almost got my family and I killed.

It all started in a match inside the YMCA in Montebello Commerce. I was in the locker room practicing my breathing, so they say. I was really excreting adrenaline, because I was hyperventilating. Like I said, I get scared when I have to fight someone. My heart beats really fast. You never know what the outcome of the fight would be. You just have to trust yourself and wish for the best. Scratch that. You have to try and do your best to succeed. Not everyone can get to where they need if you just rely on your wishes. Wishes sometimes do not always come true.

As I am waiting for the ring assistant to come in and tell me that it was time for me to go up on stage, I went to my locker, opened it, and saw that there was a picture of Jesus Christ and a rosary. I made a quick prayer and then said the Lord's Prayer right after that. My heart was thumping so fast, it was going so fast I felt as if my heart was going to come right out of my chest. Yeah I could say right at this moment, I was anxious to get out there and face whoever wanted a piece of me, but yet I am scared on whoever the opponent is as well.

A few minutes later, I heard a tap at my door. I opened the door slightly, enough for whoever was out there to only see my eyes. I see that it was the Ring Assistant standing right outside the locker room door.

"El Guerrero. You're up." He said, as he wasn't even looking at me eye to eye, he was actually more focused on his clipboard that he had on him.

That was my queue to get ready and head up there. As I saw him leave I closed the door and ran back to the bench that I was sitting at before. I prayed once more and grabbed my mask. They call me El Guerrero, or the Warrior in Spanish. I am a luchador and I am ready to face anyone that comes my way. Even thought my fright is within me. I know how to over come this feeling always.

As I walked out the locker room and headed toward the arena, I saw the crowd going wild. The ring announcer called my name and I couldn't help but throw my peace signs up in the air as I do my introduction walk. People screamed in excitement, even some called my name out. I loved the energy I get from the crowd. See, that's my way of getting my fright to vanish inside me.

I step into the ring and I start moving around to see the crowd on the benches. The ring announcer moved to the center of the ring with a microphone in his hand.

"And now, weighing in at 214 pounds, the heavyweight champion of wrestling, El Ormiga!" He shouted out and made the crowd go even crazier.

El Ormiga comes out looking all mean and tough without an expression on his face. He kept staring at me from afar, almost as if he wanted to kill me. El Ormiga jumped on the stage, made a huge roar as if he was a lion, and crunched his teeth. At this point I was thinking to myself how am I going to beat this dude. My heart paced like the speed of Speedy Gonzalez. My instincts then came in and I snapped out of it.

"Ha, I am not scared of you." I said walking toward the middle of the ring.

"Ha-ha. Prepare for your death, you puny little human." Said El Ormiga as he was walking toward the middle of the ring.

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