I want her Natasha

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The one thing in life you don't want to do is to catch the eye of a powerful Mafia boss. So you were sure as fucked when you caught the eye of both Natasha and Wanda.

It started when your father got caught up in some business with them, you might think it's a typical "trade your daughter for you dept kinda story" but it's not.
Your father being the fucking idiot he was sent you with the money to pay off his dept. Out of everyone he sent his precious innocent naive daughter....Okayy maybe it is the typical story.

Natasha P.O.V

"What's wrong sweetheart" I said walking in to my Wife cursing in Russia. "God why are men so fucking irritating, the guy who owed us money is sending his daughter to pay off his dept" she cursed. "And what's wrong with that Detka" I asked.

"Я хотел, черт возьми, убить ублюдка" she cursed which roughly translates to I wanted to fucking kill the motherfucker. "Keep his daughter for ransom, let him come get her and then you can kill them both" I said trying to cheer her up, and she smiled at the idea.

When I say I'll do anything to keep my wife happy I mean that. She wants the whole world on fire. I'll light it for her.

"Miss Romanoff, she's here" my security said from the gate. "Send her up" I ordered looking at my wife.

I enter the home of what's supposed to be my dad's CEO's as he said. "Hi I'm supposed to hand this to you" I said trying to hand the security at the gate the briefcase but he shook his head. "The bosses want to meet you personally" he said opening the gate.

I stood confuse shaking my head "No I drop this off and your supposed to check it to see if its correct then I leave" I said repeating my father instructions. "Go up!" He ordered and I nod walking into the huge house.

While walking along the corridors I was met with different picture frames with two beautiful woman. I loosened up a bit realizing I was about to meet two women rather than two men.

Natasha P.O.V
I waited patiently in my chair while my Wife sat on my lap playing with my fingers. When the door to our office open Wanda immediately looked up at the girl. She was so tiny in figure. "Hi, uh..I think this is yours. Wait sorry where are my manners. Good day to you both..my father told me to give this to one of you I'm not sure who.. but I'm guessing it's the one in charge here" She mumbled.
The innocence that radiated off of her made me feel almost sorry for the fate she was about to meet with my Wife.

I looked at Wanda while she got up and walked to the brunette. Wanda stood infront of her and studied her face for a moment. "What's your name darling" Wanda asked. "My name is Y/N" she responded and Wanda whispered something in her ears causing her to blush.

I looked at my wife wondering why she hadn't began her torturous method as yet when she suddenly walked over to me. "Natty I want her" she whispered in my ears "lyubov, you have her, she's right infront of you" I replied a bit confuse.
"No like I want her, want her" she said "oh" was my response finally understanding her.

Wanda moved Y/N to the chair while we towered over her. "She could be the one we were talking about, she's innoncent, naive, definitely submissive. She could keep us occupied. You can't deny it, and she's so fucking gorgeous Natasha" My wife said staring at me.

"She's all yours then sweetheart" I replied. "Ours Natasha she's ours" she replied brushing a finger across Y/N's cheek while she sat there completely confused.

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