Dark!Natasha x reader

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"Mommy can we watch television please" My three year old daughter asked and I nodded, kissing her face. I lifted her up and we made our way downstairs and into the living room. We both sat down and she started smiling "What do you want to watch bubs?" I asked her and she sat thinking "Power puff girls" she answered and I smiled."OK how about I look for it while you get your favorite snacks" I said and she nodded and ran to the kitchen while I switched channels.

While looking for power puff girls I stumbled across the news and I stopped for a moment to see what was on. "A serial killer is on the loose, Female around 27 was spotted at the scene of the crime holding a gun, she has been spotted many times near crime scenes. unfortunately we haven't been able to identify her due to her wearing hoodies and  masks hiding her face from the camera. if you happened to recognize this woman by any means please report it the police" The news reporter said and after the picture was uploaded on the screen.

The remote fell from my hand when I saw who it was. "That's Nat's favorite hoodie" I said but then shook it off. "No maybe it's a coincidence" I thought but another picture appeared Nat's red hair being a bit visible, as pictures were displayed on the screen each resembling Nat in some form everything started making sense.

"Mommy I got the snacks" My daughter said breaking me out of a trance. "Honey how about we take a little vaction" I said lifting her up going upstairs. "Yayy" she said clapping and I started packing some clothes for us "Mommy, you have to pack for mama as well silly" she said giggling and I smiled and took two of Nat shirts.

I moved to our closet and started taking up our credit cards and some money and I put on Natalie's shoes and we started heading downstairs towards the door.

It was all coming to me now, I have never actually been to Nat's *work place*. Natasha and I have been together for seven years, married for four and I have never been there.  She gets upset when I ask too many questions about it, When we had Natalie she insisted that I stay home and take care of her while she worked.

We made it to the door and Natalie tugged on my shirt. "We can't leave where's mama?" She asked. "Mama is gonna meet us there" I said and opened the door just to be greeted by Natasha.

"MAMA" Natalie screamed happily and jumped into Nat's arms. "What's happening?" Nat asked her while maintaining eye contact with me. "Mommy planned a vacation for all of us" my daughter said smiling."Oh did she" Nat said smiling and then turning to our daughter.

"It's kinda cold outside how about you run upstairs to get your jacket" she said tickling Natalie and she giggled and ran upstairs.
When Natalie wasn't in plain sight Natasha grabbed both of my hands and pinned me against the door and I started shuffling trying to get away.

"Stop!" She ordered her grip tighten. "Natasha let us go please" I said begging. "Why would I let the two people I love the most in this world go" she asked chuckling. "You're a murder" I said and she stood there. "Maybe but only to protect you guys, I'm not the bad guy here for trying to protect my family, I only kill those who I see as a threat to you guys, I did it all for love" she said and I glared at her.

"You're a monster and I'm going to make sure you never see Natalie or me ever again" I said and she pressed a knife to my throat."You're not leaving and your worst not taking my daughter away" she said angry.

"Mama I got it" Natalie said running down the stairs and Natasha stepped away from me and Natalie ran into the living room towards Natasha and Nat picked her up. "This isn't a lot of clothes for our vacation is it?" She asked and Natalie shook her head. "How about we go pack some more" Natasha said and Natalie smiled.

"OK let's race" she said putting her down and Natalie ran up the stairs. "Leave and I'll make sure you never see her again, and you wouldn't want Natalie stuck with me now would you" Nat said and walked after Natalie and I stood there terrified of my own wife.

Natasha came back down with a lot of bags packed and I looked at her shocked. "Why...Why so many bags?" I asked "The longer our vacation the better right?" She said and turned to Natalie and she nod laughing. Natasha loaded everything in the car and then strapped Natalie in her car seat and then forced me to sit up at the front with her.

While driving Nat held my hand and I moved it away and she grabbed it and held onto it. "Natalie?" She said "Yes mama" my daughter answer. "Would you be sad if mama was ever to leave?" She asked looking back at Natalie for a second. "Mama are you leaving? NO don't go" Natalie said crying and Nat turned to me and smirked.

"No baby I'm not leaving I meant to leave and go get you some candy from there" she lied  pointing to a store and Natalie stopped crying and I glared at Natasha.

We have been driving for hours and Natalie fell asleep in the back. "She's gonna be hungry when she wakes so I suggest you stop at the next store and get her some thing to eat and it seems like a long drive so get more snacks" I said and Natasha looked at me and smile.

We reached a store and Nat got out of the car bringing the car keys with her. As soon as she entered the store I un buckled my seat belt and ran to the back for Natalie.
While un buckled her strap I was dragged away from her and slammed into the car.

"You think I'm fucking stupid" Nat screamed at me and I was a bit dizzy from the hit. I felt liquid and touched the back of my head to see it bleeding and Natasha let go of me.
She hurriedly  pulled me into the car and into her lap. "No No baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I would never hurt you" she apologized looking for where was bleeding.

"Ok its not serious" she said and kissed my forehead."Baby I'm sorry but as I told you I can't loose both of you" she said and I tried to focus because I was still feeling dizzy. She moved me to the passenger seat and re buckled Natalie's car seat and then placed a hand on my thigh.

I rested my head against the window crying and she kissed my cheek,wiping my tears. "I already packed snacks in the back" she said moving her hand up and down my thigh and then she drove off.

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