ReallyDark!Lena L x reader

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Lena and I have been together for 3 years now, shocker I know.Lena Luthor sister of lex luthor capable of loving someone. National City views Lena as a villain because of her brother and Mother's past but not me.

Before Lena and I started dating she used to be my boss at L-Corp when we realized our relationship was serious I quit so our relationship wouldn't be Boss and Assistant.

Lena and My aunt Kara are really close friends and at first I was scared for them to meet because a kryptonian and luthor together. The last time history put these two together it caused chaos but surprisingly they got along really well.


I don't remember falling asleep last night but I woke to the worst headache ever. I got up and looked around the room but saw no trace of Lena. Maybe she's just preparing breakfast for us I thought smiling. I quickly put on one of her favourite hoodie and made my way downstairs looking for her. When I got there, there was no sign of Lena in the kitchen I made my way to the living room but found it empty.

Maybe she's just working in her lab, I thought and walked to her elevator and pressed the down button and made my way down to the lab.

I stepped out of the Elevator and was met with muffled talking in the distance.I was about to head back up thinking Lena was working with a client or business partner when I suddenly recognized the voice. Lex Luthor her evil brother, Shit maybe Lena is in danger I thought but then I heard Lena laughing and I stood confused and quietly made my way towards them.

"I have her completely fooled" Lena said chuckling. "I have to congratulate you though three years is a full commitment" Lex said and Lena shrugged. "What can I say I needed her to lead me to Kara and to the fortress" Lena said. "I find it hard to believe that throughout the three years with her you didn't fall in love" Lex said and Lena chuckled.

"Love is a pathetic thing, she is too naive and caring that's why it was so easy to trick her" She said speaking about ME. Lena tricked and used me, I wiped a away the tear that fell from my eyes and got ready to head out the lab and out of her life when my hand accidently hit over a lab equipment making it fall to the floor with a loud bang.
I got up ready to run when suddenly my foot wouldn't move.

"Y/N show yourself" Lena said and my foot started moving on it's own over to them and Lex smirked. "It worked" Lex said "Of course it did, I don't fail" Lena reply not looking at me. "You've got a mess on your hands call me when you figure out to work it on Super girl" Lex said and passed and wiped my tear "pathetic" He said chuckling. "I'm Proud of you Lena" he said walking to the elevator and Lena finally looked at me.

"Don't look at me like that" she said "How could you, three years of our relationship and it was all a lie" I said my voice trembling. "I needed a way to get to Kara" she said turning her back to me working on something. "So you used me for three years" I said "yes" she replied with no emotions. "So it meant nothing to you, The kisses, the dates, The cuddling, the movie nights, meeting my parents, the sex, the breakfast in bed, the travel, nothing?" I asked crying.

"Nothing, but the sex was great" She said and I scoffed,

"You know everyone viewed you as a villian and belittled you except for me. I thought I saw something good in you, I thought you were different from your family. I loved you and I treated you good, I made sure to tell you that you were enough and you were good. I guess it meant nothing to you when you said you loved me and wanted to spend the rest of your life with me" I said and she paused for a second before continuing.

"You are a fool and You are weak and that's why my plan worked you were so desperate for someone's love that you had to try and seek it from a villian, I'm actual glad you found out because it was getting exhausting pretending to love you" she replied and I just stood there sobbing.

Lena ordered me to take a seat and again my body moved without my control, Lena stood working on her project while I wept for our three year relationship. after crying for hours I got exhausted and fell asleep. I woke up and Lena was there sitting in front of me with food and she placed it on the table.

"You haven't eaten since morning" She said and I scoffed. "Why do you care" I said and she got up. "I don't care, I do however want you to eat to have a bit of energy so I can use you to trap Kara" she said looking at me and she motioned to the food "No" I said and she chuckled.
"Eat it!" She order tapping her table and without my control I started eating and she smiled.


Lena found a way to catch Kara, she simply pressed the emergency watch and signaled Supergirl.
She then controlled me to lie down and don't move or don't talk so when Kara appeared she used kyroptonite and weakened her and capture her and she implanted the Sim in her and now Kara is under control.

"See I did it" she said looking at both Kara and I and her hand accidentally hit the control switching it off setting me free. When she turned around I grabbed the knife and held it to my shoulder ready to cut out the Sim/chip.

I digged the knife into my shoulder through the hoodie and the chip started beeping and Lena turned around and saw me. "No stop it" she said and when I continued she grabbed her control and fixed it. "Drop the knife" she ordered and I did and she placed me to sit. "You would have been blown to pieces in a second" she said looking at my hand.

"I wish I did and why do you care if I'm dead" I said scoffing and just for a split second she showed a bit of emotion and she walked over for a kit and came to stitch me up.

She held my hand and looked at my shoulder and I think she finally realized I was wearing her favorite hoodie. "It's your favorite" I said and she took a cloth to wipe away the blood "and you ruined it" she replied "May 16 Friday night I bought you this" I said and she looked up at me and held my chin. "Kiss me" she said and I leaned in and did I wasn't sure if it was because she was controlling me or if I did it willingly.

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