Dark!Shuri x f!reader [Part 2]

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Summary: Basically Shuri and Y/N are together and  they start fresh with their relationships for the baby.
Warning: Stockholm syndrome, mention of birth. I guess.

I woke up a bit sore and I sat up and looked around the room and that's when I realized. I was in the Queen's room, in Shuri's room, then it all came back to me. Wait did Shuri even make it back alive. I got up and opened the door and it started blaring. An alarm went off and then suddenly someone's hands are around my waist. "Hey hey it's okay I'm okay" shuri spoke calming me down and I turned around and hugged her.

She moved us over to the bed and we sat down. Her hands moved up to my face holding it and that's when I realized shuri face was stained with tears. "Why are you crying?" I asked worried touching her face and she held my hands in hers.

"I'm so sorry, I got out of control, I forced you into something you didn't want. I'm a monster and I wasn't thinking and I know it's messed up but I really do love you Y/N and I know what I did was wrong. Please find it in yourself to forgive me.Please" she begged moving to her knees.

"Shuri" I sadly softly and her gripped tighten around my waist almost flinching at the sound of her name. "Give me a chance to make it better, for you, for us" she said and I lifted her head up and kissed her. "The queen on her knees ironic " I chuckled and she stared at me with sadness in her eyes. "I forgive you Shuri" I said softly and her eyes softened.

"Let me make it right, let me start over for both of you. Would you like to go out on a date with me?" She asked and I nod.

That was five months ago. "Sweetheart how about you come lay in bed with us" I said stepping into the lab."Five more minutes and then I'll be up" she said and I walked over to her. "You said that two hours ago come on let's go, and don't tell me your gonna deny the mother of your child" I said and she turned her chair around to me and pulled me closer resting her head on my bump.
"Of course not" she said and I played in her curls "Let's go up to bed yeah?" I asked and she nod.


"Princess please sit down your close to giving birth. I don't want to risk anything bad happening to you or the baby" Shuri said taking the ingredients for dinner out of my hand."I'm hungry" I whined "And I'll do dinner I already told you this" she said and I chuckled.

"Yeah but I'm tired of Mac and cheese, eggs, pasta or vegetables" I said and she gasped offended."How dare you that's not all I make" she said and I rolled my eyes playfully. "That's all you CAN make that's what you've been making for the past seven months" I said and she pretended to be hurt.

"Sorry sweetheart" I said kissing her, going back to cooking with her cautious of my every move.


"ARE YOU CRAZY WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, WHO EVEN GAVE YOU PERMISSION FOR THAT" shuri screamed at Okoye. "Its not her fault shuri its mine, I made her take me there" I said and she looked at me. "Silence" she said angrily and I immediately shush even the baby felt her words and kicked. "Not only did you take her beyond her point you also endangered her."

'Endangered' Shuri's referring to a paper cut here mind you. She went on and on and on about our child's safety lecturing both Okoye and Me. "SHURI THATS ENOUGH" I said raising my tone. She looked at me and then back at Okoye "Your dismissed" she said through her teeth.

"From safe points, to curfews to sleep schedules to how much I can eat, what I can eat, who I can talk to, Shuri my life's a prison here" I screamed at her and the baby kicked again.

I saw her eyes drift to my stomach and her eyes soften and so did her body structure. "I'm just worried about our baby" she said sighing walking towards me. "I know  I am too but your stripping me of having fun, of a life that doesn't revolve around our baby yet" I said and she sat down on the bed. She held my hand drawing me closer to her and she rested her head on my stomach.

"I just don't want to lose them we have come eight months and I've grown attached to them I can't lose them" she said and I played in her curls whispering an I know.


"Y/N should give birth an day now, which means you all should be on edge, strictly duty if anything happens to Y/N or my daughter I'll make sure you regret it" Shuri said from her throne staring down at each and everyone one of memebers of the Dora milaje.

"Shuri" I said blasting into the room. Everyone turned my way and panic set in Shuri's eyes. "Its happening" I said and she shot up out of her seat and ran to me "OK OK its gonna be fine" she said lifting me up bring me to the lab. "EVERYBODY OUT RIGHT NOW" she shouted and everyone scattered out.

"Shuri I'm scared" I said and she kissed my forehead. "I promise you'll be okay,You and her" she said and I looked at her. "Her?" I asked "Y/N we are both woman and we both have the XX chromosome it has to be a girl" she said setting up everything. "I'm gonna be a mother, I'm gonna be a mother, I'm gonna be a mother" I laid repeating to myself anxiously.


It happened Wakanda welcomed their new princess on May 11. "She's so beautiful like you" Shuri said kissing my forehead and then hers. "I'm still so sorry" she said and I kissed her shaking my head. "Its in the past shuri" I whispered to her and she started crying, guilt.

The day after our little princess was born the whole country had a celebration for her. With everyone bearing gifts and our daughter getting blessings from the elders.

"I know what Shuri  did and it was wrong I can help you out"

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