angel in disguise

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I saw an angel from above.
An angel whose wings were torn but was invincible enough to carry out hope.
In the midst of my anguish,
there was an angel in disguise.
A book, a friend, a mother, a brother, a sister, a father.
Each one of them gave me hope to rise eternally from the depths of despair that haunted me.
There's an angel in disguise that lies behind the books I've read,
the people I rarely talked with,
the friends I seldom met with,
the foods I was delighted with,
the imageries of the world I was appalled with,
and even the reflection of myself in front of the golden mirror.
There was an angel in disguise, no.
There were angels in disguise around me.
I was comforted by the place, the people and the environment.
I was given the chance to breathe, start again and discover what I'm capable of.
From there on,
I prayed a little and thanked the angels in disguise.
I thanked myself too, for being my own angel in disguise.
And you should thank yourself too.
You deserve it, all of it.

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