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After the second day of VidCon, Baylen suggested going to a fancy steakhouse for dinner

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After the second day of VidCon, Baylen suggested going to a fancy steakhouse for dinner. "Look man, I brought a suit and I wanna wear it." Baylen explained to Dizzy.

"Why the hell would you bring a suit?!" Dizzy's only response was. "I brought a blue-collared shirt and khaki shorts. That's the nicest thing I packed."

Baylen's mouth hung open. "Uh, because suits are fucking dope." He answered. Peyton had to laugh at him, even though she was technically eavesdropping from the couch.

"I think a steakhouse would be nice." She said, turning to now face the men who stood in the kitchen of the suite. Her eyes shooting back and forth between Baylen and Dizzy.

Now Baylen's eyes landed back on Dizzy, so both Peyton and Baylen were pressuring him to say yes. "This is stupid, but fine!" He huffed. "Just make the reservation. I'll get everyone else." Both Baylen and Peyton cheered as the man left the room.

Baylen called a steakhouse about 20 minutes away, making a reservation for all 10 of them. "How about 8:30? Would that be good?" Peyton could hear quiet voice coming from the phone, but she couldn't make out what the person was saying. "Okay, perfect. Thank you so much." He hung up. "Reservation set for 8:30, so we need to be there at like 7:50."

Peyton checked the time. It read 7:00. She had enough time. "Since when were you responsible?" She teased as she skipped towards the closet, where she pulled out a black silk dress, smiling as she grabbed a pair of heels with it.

Baylen's eyes gawked at the inch of the heels. "Your feet are gonna be in so much pain!" He frowned. She shrugged her shoulders in response, making her way to the bathroom to get changed.

She put the dress on and fixed her makeup a bit. She pulled her hair back into a black clip to match the dress and shoes. She came out when she got finished changing, now seeing Baylen buttoning up the shirt.

His shirt was still unbuttoned about halfway down. She glanced for a bit before glancing away as her cheeks flushed a bright red. She'd seen him shirtless so many times and yet the same reaction would always spark from her each time. She should be used to it by now, yet somehow she wasn't.

"Woah." Baylen muttered. Shyly, Peyton looked back at Baylen, trying her best to focus on his face. He finished buttoning his shirt before making another comment. "You look amazing." His eyes traveled down her body, analyzing how the dress hugged her body. His eyes met hers once again before saying, "those shoes will be uncomfortable."

"Shut up." She mumbled with a smile. "Let's go." She ran her hands down the dress, flattening it before grabbing her purse and leaving the room with Baylen. They caught Peej and Alissa on the way out. "Hi, guys." Peyton beamed.

Alissa smiled, her teeth sparkling. She looked truly beautiful, and both Baylen and Peyton could tell Peej was admiring her. "Hi, Pey." Her attention then turned to Baylen in his suit, looking ridiculous. "Baylen... Lovely suit." She giggled.

Baylen tipped his nonexistent hat. "Thank you, m'lady." The four of them made their to the elevator, entering when it dinged. "Who are you guys planning riding with?" He asked both girls, although it seemed more directed to Peyton.

Peyton shot a glance over at Alissa before looking back at Baylen. "I'm thinking of riding with Dizzy and Lake since I didn't go yesterday." She said with a smile.

"Cool," Baylen answered quick. He seemed upset. Peej, Alissa, and Peyton all noticed this. *What's up with him?* She internally asked herself before the elevator doors shut.

The rest of the crew sat in the lobby area waiting for the four. "There you are!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Alissa and I are riding with you, Diz!" Peyton smiled wide, grabbing a hold of her hand and striding towards him and Lake. Dizzy wore exactly what he said he had, a blue polo shirt and khaki shorts. Lake, on the other hand, wore a white dress with a white corset. It was super cute.

"Awesome!" Both Lake and Diz said in-sync. The group made their way out to the car. Peyton noticed how far down Dizzy parked and winced. *Oh, God. Baylen was right. I'm gonna be miserable.* She couldn't let him know he was right. Not now. She had to power through it like the trooper she was.

In the car, Peyton sat next to Dizzy while Lake and Alissa sat in the back. "Guys," Alissa spoke up. "I have something to say."

"What's up?" Peej asked, his eyes focused on the road. Dizzy's rap playlist blared over the speakers making it hard to hear anyone in the car.

"Yeah, spill." Lake leaned forward.

"Okay, so..." Her voice trailed off. She couldn't talk without giggling or squealing.

Peyton noticed this and her eyes immediately widened. "Is this about Peej?!" Peyton gasped, her head flying back to look at her.

"Shhhh!" she quickly hissed, her hand flailing. "Yes, it's about Peej." Dizzy cranked the music down low, now listening as well. Now all the attention was put on Alissa. "When we made it back to the hotel, I was trying to get something from the vending machine down the hall. Then he came out of nowhere, and we started talking for a bit, then out of nowhere... He kissed me!" She squealed.

"Oh, my goodness!" Lake immediately gasped before the four of them broke into shrieks. Yes, even Diz. He's in on the gossip, too. Having to live with four girls required him to join in on their hang outs if the other girls couldn't. He would do face masks with them, bake treats with them, paint nails together, all that type of stuff.

"I'm so happy for you!" Peyton smiled widely. "Finally! I knew Baylen's and I's antics would work!"

"Speaking of Baylen," Alissa shifted the attention to Peyton. "When is that happening, or has it already happened?" She cooed.

Peyton's cheeks flared red as she ferociously shook her head. "No, no! Not yet..." She frowned.

"Yet?!" The three of them exclaimed.

"I'm truly starting to feel something. The first morning we woke up for VidCon, we were all cuddled up." She covered her mouth to hide her stupidly wide grin.

"You never told us this?!" Dizzy said. "I feel betrayed, Pey!"

Dizzy was really the only person who didn't have a crush on anybody right now, so he placed all his attention on the girls who did. "Dizzy, we really need to find you a girl or something." Lake laughed.

He gasped, acting offended, though everyone knew he was joking. "Can't a man just focus on his career and his 3 best friends in the whole wide world?" He smiled.

"If that's what makes you feel better." Peyton laughed.

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